• JavaScript Testing

    The problem of deciding how much of which test to use.

  • Microservices using NodeJS

    An introduction into the fundamentals of microservices with a NodeJS example.

  • JavaScript Prototypical Inheritance and this

    We have all worked with prototypes in JavaScript. Maybe we have even read how to they are supposed to work. But do we really know how to use them effectively? We will cover some situations where they can be leveraged to simplify your code and then some ways to use them to make your code better.

  • Distributed Computing in NodeJS

    NodeJS only runs on a single thread. For a non-trivial web server or for anything CPU intensive you will need more then the single thread. In this presentation we will cover clusters and child processes for gaining access to additional cores on the same server. We will then cover distributing work between multiple servers using a messaging queue such as ZeroMQ.

  • Components In AngularJS

    A presentation discussing using Angular directives as components.