• CORS - what is it?

    What is CORS and how does it impact my work?

  • Redux

  • Ember.js testing

  • Ember.js - jak tworzyć aplikacje po stronie przeglądarki

    Krótkie wprowadzenie do Ember.js - co to znaczy SPA, jakie wyzwania stoją przed nami podczas tworzenia SPA. Czym różnią się aplikacje serwerowe od aplikacji w przeglądarce? Jak Ember.js może nam w tym pomóc?

  • The road to reliable frontend

    Frontend can be reliable, easy to understand and maintainable code base if you are using Ember.js. I will describe basic concepts of Ember.js architecture and share with you my experience and results from project where over eight developers started learning Ember.

  • Ember Engines

    Short introduction to ember-engines based on Ember Global Meetup. Describes some general concepts, without diving into details. Previously presented on Netguru internal meetup.

  • ember-cli-deploy

    See what ember-cli-deploy can do for you in matter of automated deployment. From building and uploading to integrating with Rollbar. Previously shown on internal Netguru meetup.

  • Composable and contextual components

    Short presentation about possibilities of composable and contextual components in Ember.js. Previously shown on internal Netguru meetup.

  • Component lifecycle and immutable data

    Previously presented on internal Netguru meetup. Short trip through component lifecycle and immutable data in Ember.js, its similarities to React and the short road to deterministic state.

  • React integration with Rails

    See how you can easily integrate React and Rails, taking advantage of npm, bower, ES2015 and others. Use react_webpack_rails, our open sources solution, to start coding in React in Rails from day one.

  • Ember Data

    Presentation for webinar about ember-data @netguru.

  • JavaScript ES6

    Introduction to JS ES2015, covering most commonly used new features in day to day JS development. Previously presented on Netguru internal meetup by @jniechcial.

  • Ember Run Loop

    Presentation about Ember Run Loop - what it is, how it works and how to use it by @jniechcial at @netguru.