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  • LPW2019

    Perl 6, losing your Perl 5 accent. The joke I make regularly is "I speak Perl 6, just with a heavy Perl 5 accent". This session is all about losing that accent and writing more idiomatic Perl 6. Perl 6, will allow you to write code that is very much like Perl 5. This is is awesome, but means you can miss some of the great parts of Perl 6. In this talk we will take some working Perl 6 code written in a Perl 5 style and change it to be more Perl 6 like. Audience participation may be required. ;-)

  • Participation in International Judo events by Commonwealth Nations.

    Participation in International Judo events by Commonwealth Nations.

  • YAPC::EU2018 Scuttlebutt Lightning Talk

    a decent(ralised) secure gossip platform sea-slang for gossip - a scuttlebutt is basically a watercooler on a ship

  • YAPC::EU 2018

    Building web apps with Perl6 and Cro

  • LPW2017::Bailador

    Slides for my 2017 workshop at the London Perl Workshop "Bailador for Beginners".

  • Perl & Open Source in Olympic Judo

    YAPC::EU 2017 Talk on Perl and OPen osurce use in the Olympic sport of Judo.

  • YAPC::EU 2017 - Mob Programming

    Mob programming the CPAN Pull Request Challenge

  • YAPC:EU 2016 Refactoring