• Data Sharing for Visual Thinkers

    LinkFacts is one of the best mind map tools or methods for idea formation, finding connections, classifying ideas, organizing information, visualizing the structure, and general help to studying. For more details check out this presentation now!

  • LinkFacts: Mind Mapping Application

    LinkFacts is an online mind map creator application and Social Mind Mapping Platform for creating and sharing graphs. It allows users to create mind maps, share and collaborate with others around visual collections of information and knowledge.

  • Business Development Mind Map

    Make a perfect planned document template and more with this business development mind map template. No matter if you have a large business or small you can still gather ideas to start a new venture by using mind mapping.

  • LinkFacts: Mind Map for Essay Writing

    LinkFacts highly recommend this effective solution for students who are struggling with essay writing. What it is? The answer is Mind Mapping. Check out this presentation to learn how to use the mind mapping brainstorming technique to create excellent ideas for any essay.

  • LinkFacts: Mind Map Brainstorming

    A mind map is a great tool for brainstorming new ideas. Its unstructured format allows ideas and thoughts to flow freely. LinkFacts allow you to create mind maps, share and collaborate with others around visual collections of information and knowledge.

  • 5 Uses of Mind Mapping for Student