• От ручки до автоматизации

  • FinTech 2021. Python #2 - Project

    Работа с файлами Модули и пакеты Управление зависимостями Собственный пакет Декораторы, генераторы Авто-тесты Автоформаттеры и линтеры Структура проекта

  • End-2-end testing infrastructure

  • Trailer: Service for BDD-testing

    Behavior-Driven Development: what is it, which kind of problems are existing when you integrate this process and how to solve these issues relatively fast and efficient.

  • Service for BDD-testing

    Behavior-Driven Development: what is it, which kind of problems are existing when you integrate this process and how to solve these issues relatively fast and efficient.

  • Allure

    Ecosystem for QA process