• Copy of MVC: It's all a lie

  • PHP Fibers v.2 - IPC Edition

    An overview of PHP Fibers

  • Event Sourcing: The Very Basics

  • PHP Fibers v.2

    An overview of PHP Fibers

  • PHP Fibers

    An overview of PHP Fibers

  • Minimize the framework and allow yourself some DDD v.2

    By now we've all heard what Domain Driven Design is about. Some of us have actually tried it. When we did, we stumbled upon the fact that the frameworks we use do not help us a lot with shaping our code in a domain driven manner. Actually, they were in the way. DDD and the generic MVC frameworks we use are an oxymoron. Still, we don't want to loose all the sweet tools that help us deal with the HTTP and the Console. In this talk I'll tell you how we changed our view perspective on input/output/request/response, pushed the framework in the infrastructure corner and cleaned ourselves some space for sweet DDD.

  • GUI Архитектури - история, настояще, Мрежата

    Архитектурите за графични интерфейси (GUI) са една от недоразбраните теми в програмирането. Грешни схващания, лоши наименования, различни интерпретации - нищо от това не помага на програмистите да вникнат в същността на проблема, какви решения са възникнали през годините и как са еволюирали. Ще разгледаме MVC шаблона, създаден през 70те и ще преминем през годините до днес, за да видим какво се е случило на сцената на GUI от миналия век до днес. Също така, ще посочим и какво се е обърквало и как може да избегнем чуждите грешки.

  • GUI Architectures - history, present, the Web

    GUI Architectures are one of the most misunderstood topics in programming. Misconceptions, bad namings, various interpretations - none of those helped programmers in gaining the clear knowledge of why, how and what evolved in this field over the years. We will start with the very beginning of MVC in the 1970s and walk our way through the years and environments that shaped today’s scene of GUI. During this journey we will also point out things that went wrong and how they should have been.

  • GUI patterns - history, present, the Web


  • MVC: history, misconceptions and future!

    All of us who use MVC on a daily basis in our projects - we're doing it wrong! What we call MVC is flawed! How did this happen? What was the original idea? What went wrong? We'll dig into the past and find the answers. Then we'll identify the problems that MVC has and present an alternative - the Action-Domain-Responder!

  • MVC: It's all a lie

  • Copy of Minimize the framework and allow yourself some DDD

    By now we've all heard what Domain Driven Design is about. Some of us have actually tried it. When we did, we stumbled upon the fact that the frameworks we use do not help us a lot with shaping our code in a domain driven manner. Actually, they were in the way. DDD and the generic MVC frameworks we use are an oxymoron. Still, we don't want to loose all the sweet tools that help us deal with the HTTP and the Console. In this talk I'll tell you how we changed our view perspective on input/output/request/response, pushed the framework in the infrastructure corner and cleaned ourselves some space for sweet DDD.

  • Minimize the framework and allow yourself some DDD

    By now we've all heard what Domain Driven Design is about. Some of us have actually tried it. When we did, we stumbled upon the fact that the frameworks we use do not help us a lot with shaping our code in a domain driven manner. Actually, they were in the way. DDD and the generic MVC frameworks we use are an oxymoron. Still, we don't want to loose all the sweet tools that help us deal with the HTTP and the Console. In this talk I'll tell you how we changed our view perspective on input/output/request/response, pushed the framework in the infrastructure corner and cleaned ourselves some space for sweet DDD.

  • Copy of MVC: My struggle and path to enlightenment

    A presentation about MVC.

  • MVC: My struggle and path to enlightenment

    A presentation about my journey to understand MVC.

  • OOP in the style of JavaScript with PHP