• Introducing plone-remix

  • Memori AI: formazione client

  • A sustainable web: is it possible?

    How much do we know about the impact of technologies we use everyday? How much the web industry is responsible for carbon emissions? Can we define an ethic development? I wrote the Sustainable Web Manifest and I'll tell you what does it mean. We'll look to the things that need to be fixed and the process to make a sustainable website. Finally, I’ll introduce an introspection in Volto issues and the future works as the result of my analysis. https://2021.ploneconf.org/schedule/a-sustainable-web-is-it-possible

  • Theming Volto without SemanticUI: is it possible?

    We will walk through the process of building a product for Italian Public Administrations using a bootstrap-based theme. I'm presenting io-comune, RedTurtle's first product based on Volto and the strategies we used. We will see the possibilities in Volto for theming without SemanticUI, using bootstrap and sass and what are the next ideas we could work on. https://2020.ploneconf.org/talks/theming-volto-without-semanticui

  • A Volto story: building a website by prototyping


  • Rethinking Plone theming in 2019


  • Creating a Plone theme package: an overview

  • Electron vs nwjs: a comparison

    A comparison between electron and nwjs to create native applications from a web app using React

  • Introduzione a CSS Grids

    Introduzione alle CSS Grids, una rivoluzione che semplifica la vita agli sviluppatori front-end. Parleremo dei fondamentali, per poi procedere - codice alla mano - verso concetti avanzati.

  • Asynchronous JavaScript

    Analizzando meglio l’event loop, andremo a riscoprire i metodi usati fino ad oggi per gestire chiamate asincrone, partendo dalle callbacks e passando per promise e generatori in ES6, per arrivare ad async/await in ES7.