• 7 Travel Tips for Frequent Fliers

    http://www.papillon.com If you’re a frequent flier, make traveling less stressful by packing carefully, having all important information on hand, and preparing for potential emergencies. Here are our top seven travel tips.

  • The Joys of Traveling Solo

    http://www.papillon.com Taking a solo trip is a rewarding experience that allows us to experience the things we want to see and do, without having to worry about anyone else or plan around the needs of others. Most of all, it’s a chance to live and grow.

  • Las Vegas Entertainment Attractions for the Whole Family

    http://www.papillon.com Las Vegas features many family-friendly attractions, including Cirque du Soleil, the magic show The New Illusions, Madame Tussauds wax museum, and Grand Canyon sightseeing tours.

  • Reacquainting Yourself with Nature: The Benefits of Eco-Therapy

    http://www.papillon.com Eco-therapy is a method of promoting health and well-being by reconnecting the practitioner to the pulse of nature. This has been shown to be highly effective in combating the various afflictions traceable to urban living, such as depression and insomnia.

  • Arizona's Best Attractions & Activities for Artists

    http://www.papillon.com Arizona is home to a range of attractions and retreats that cater to artists. From workshops and Native Art exhibitions to historical museums to explore on the way to your next Grand Canyon helicopter tour, Arizona has something for everyone.

  • Holidays in Las Vegas: Top Things To Do

    http://www.papillon.com/las-vegas-tours?equipment=helicopter Use this concise guide to top things to see on a family Christmas Holiday in Las Vegas. Celebrate with a fabulous feast, and enjoy free shows and stunning lights.

  • 8 Things You (Probably) Didn't Know About the Grand Canyon

    http://www.papillon.com Grand Canyon National Park is on the must-see “bucket list” of millions of people around the world. Learn about some interesting but lesser-known facts about the geological marvel.

  • 7 Reasons to Travel Regularly

    http://www.papillon.com/grand-canyon-national-park Some of the benefits of travel include meeting new people, learning new things, and trying new food. But more than that, it gives us a chance to take a break, relax, and reenergize for when we return. Here are seven reasons to travel regularly. 

  • Beat The Heat - Top Tips For Staying Healthy and Safe on Summer Vacations

    http://www.papillon.com Summer may be the most popular season because of all the great fun and exploration to be had. From backyard swimming pool parties to helicopter tours of the Grand Canyon, enjoy your summer safely with these healthy tips. 

  • The Most Visited Parks in America

    http://www.papillon.com/grand-canyon-national-park From the Grand Canyon to the Rocky Mountains, the U.S. is home to some of the world’s most exquisite scenery and wildlife. Grab your backpack and get ready to hit the road as we highlight some of the America’s most visited national parks and attractions.

  • Budget-Friendly U.S. Travel Destination & Tips

    http://www.papillon.com Traveling doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Enjoy an affordable vacation to the destinations outlined in this presentation, plus save money when you’re there using our helpful tips.

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    http://www.papillon.com/ This presentation discusses tips for planning a trip to the Grand Canyon in the springtime, including lodging options and important items to pack. It also includes popular vacation activities in the area, including Grand Canyon tours from Las Vegas.

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  • Sightseeing & Activities Around Lake Powell

    http://www.papillon.com/lake-powell-page | Lake Powell is one of the most scenic places to explore. Available activities include hiking, camping, kayaking, and fishing, along with visiting sites like Rainbow Bridge, Glen Canyon Dam, and nearby Grand Canyon.

  • Minerals of the Grand Canyon

    http://www.papillon.com/grand-canyon-national-park Due to its size, it may seem like there are a limitless number of minerals that make up the Grand Canyon but to the contrary, that number is finite. The minerals that make up the Canyon give it the breathtaking color ribbons that are strewn across the surface.

  • Winter Activities in the Grand Canyon

    http://www.papillon.com/grand-canyon-national-park-helicopter-tours Experience the quiet magic of a Grand Canyon winter, without the crowds. See wildlife silhouetted against snow, capture awe-inspiring photos, or enjoy a winter hike. Fly over canyons and cliffs in a Papillon helicopter or fixed-wing tour.

  • The Best Winter Vacations in the Southwest

    http://www.papillon.com | The winter season is an often overlooked but excellent time for a family vacation. Expect fewer crowds, less expensive trips (depending on where you travel), and the magic of snow in the Southwest.

  • The Formation of the Grand Canyon: A Geological Marvel

    http://www.papillon.com/grand-canyon-national-park | Water, ice, wind, and tectonic activity have all converged to form one of the most beautiful natural wonders of the world—the spectacular Grand Canyon. Learn more about how this gigantic “hole in the ground” has been shaped over time.

  • Wonders of the Southwest: Plants & Wildlife in Grand Canyon National Park

    http://www.papillon.com/grand-canyon-national-park | The Grand Canyon is one of the world’s most spectacular sights, featuring diverse plant and animal communities. A Grand Canyon helicopter tour is one of the best ways to see this geological marvel.

  • Top Geological Formations Around the World

    http://www.papillon.com/ | Nature has a way of astonishing us in ways that technology cannot. Come get a glimpse of some of the coolest geological formations from around the globe.

  • The 7 Sights to See Along the Colorado River

    http://www.papillon.com/grand-canyon-national-park-helicopter-tours | Discover seven sights along the iconic Colorado River, including the ancient granaries at Nankoweap, the modern marvel of the Hoover Dam, and the intricate ecosystems of Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Whether you decide on a helicopter tour of Las Vegas or a rafting tour through the Grand Canyon, the Colorado River offers every type of adventure.

  • Breathtaking Wonder: A Guide to the Grand Canyon

    http://www.papillon.com/grand-canyon-national-park | Over five million people visit the Grand Canyon every year. We highlight some of the amazing things you can see and do while visiting this natural wonder.

  • What to do on your Lake Powell Vacation!

    http://www.papillon.com/lake-powell-page | Learn about the amazing activities you can do on your next Lake Powell vacation.