• Patrick Henry Entropic | Organisational Innovation

    Innovative organizations are flexible and free-flowing without rigid work rules


    Techniques designed to enable one do more in less time with better results.

  • Patrick Henry Entropic |Essential Of Contemporary Management

    There is currently a need for leaders who can restore confidence and reassure people of the integrity and quality of organizations.

  • Patrick Henry Entropic | UNDERSTANDING ENTREPRENEURIAL Opportunities

    Believe in yourself. Positive self-encouragement works. Use non logical thinking. Not everything has to make sense right away.

  • Patrick Henry Entropic | What is Minority Entrepreneurship?

    In the context of ethnic entrepreneurship, “ethnic” refers to ‘a set of connections and regular patterns of interaction among people sharing common national background or migration experiences.’

  • Patrick Henry Entropic | WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF TEAMWORK?

    The ability of people to provide complementary skills, a willingness to share knowledge and skills and assist other team members to achieve a common goal.

  • Patrick Henry Entropic - Introduction to Business & Marketing

    Management helps businesses focus on setting and meeting goals efficiently and effectively.

  • Patrick Henry Entropic - Important Tools Used To Grow Your Business

    Decisions cannot be made on a problem-by-problem basis OR merely to meet needs as they arise!

  • Patrick Henry Entropic - Role of Angel Investors In Your Business Startup

    Angels can ignore their own investment strategies and processes.

  • Patrick Henry Entropic - Raising Money for a Start-Up

    Few people deal with the process of raising investment capital until they need to raise capital for their own firm.

  • Patrick Henry Entropic - Important Tools For Entrepreneurship

    The Mission Statement is best described as the intended strategy and business philosophy for making the entrepreneur's vision a reality.

  • Patrick Henry- IoT Smart Farming Technology

    Applying IoT technology to agriculture have greatest impact in increasing yield with low coast and efforts. Here are two major areas of agriculture that IoT has revolutionise.

  • Patrick Henry-What is Internet of Things(IoT)?

    Internet of things is a system of connecting devices to the internet and to other devices .Here i tell you about how IoT works and Importance of IoT in our life.