• The Lakota Language Consortium | Teacher Training Programs

    Lakota Language Consortium promotes language revitalization in the community by developing materials and teacher training programs to support Lakota language learners. Its educational programs have been utilized in more than 60 schools throughout the United States and continue to help foster a healthy language-learning ecosystem. By utilizing new, effective learning methods and integrating grammar and contextual learning, Lakota Language Consortium has reached over 20,000 students.

  • The Lakota Language Consortium Revitalization Efforts for Lakȟótiyapi

    Lakota Language Consortium (LLC) is a nonprofit. With an executive board motivated by passion and a collective desire to preserve the native Lakȟótiyapi language, LLC brings revitalization to the language through a state-of-the-are word e-Learning Platform called Owoksape and a commitment to excellence. LLC has reached over 20,000 students in its efforts to promote vibrant language revitalization in the community.

  • The Lakota Language Consortium | A Nonprofit Organization

    Lakota Language Consortium, LLC is a nonprofit organization which assists Lakota language learners in several unique ways. Their efforts to develop and implement learning materials are collaborative, and they engage native speakers and leaders in the community. Through its Native-led board, Lakota Language Consortium remains focused on assisting Native speakers in creating the educational materials that will make the language available to future generations. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvy5NjNBUWYTpAyNtH71ng