As 2 Local Gals Housekeeping grew we hired gals just like us who were hard-working and needed a chance to show how determined they were to succeed. Today, we provide work for more than 20 gals who enjoy House Cleaning and Janitorial Services. Enjoy t | Make spring cleaning easier by cleaning your toilet with soda, polishing your furniture with coconut oil, and using dryer sheets to remove the grime from your windows. Read on for our best spring cleaning hacks.
Mar 22, 20162120
8 Tips for Winter Homekeeping | Get your home in tip-top shape this winter with our housecleaning and maintenance tips. In eight steps you’ll be ready for guests and whatever else the winter may bring.
Dec 24, 20152280
Holiday Housecleaning Tips | Having guests over for the holidays can be stressful, but getting your home ready doesn’t have to be. Follow our quick guide with tips for tidying up, and consider hiring a professional housecleaning service to help.
Oct 09, 20152340
Combat Allergies with Spring Cleaning | Allergy sufferers can welcome spring and combat their symptoms with these cleaning services and strategies. Change a few daily routines at home, and get professional spring cleaning help to feel better all year.