• The Next Evolution of Manufacturing | AWE Nite Chicago | May 2024 (VRAR Chicago)

  • The Next Evolution of Marketing | AWE Nite Chicago | April 2024 (VRAR Chicago)

  • The Next Evolution of Arts, AV, & Communications | AWE Nite Chicago | March 2024 (VRAR Chicago)

  • The Next Evolution of Architecture & Construction | AWE Nite Chicago | February 2024 (VRAR Chicago)

  • The Next Evolution of Social Gathering | AWE Nite Chicago | November 2023 (VRAR Chicago)

  • The Next Evolution and Artificial Intelligence | AWE Nite Chicago | November 2023 (VRAR Chicago)

  • The Next Evolution of The Arts | AWE Nite Chicago | August 2023 (VRAR Chicago)

  • The Next Evolution of Web3 & Blockchain | AWE Nite Chicago | August 2023 (VRAR Chicago)

  • The Next Evolution of Marketing | AWE Nite Chicago | August 2023 (VRAR Chicago)

    In the future, Immersive Technologies like Augmented and Virtual Reality are likely to become even more integrated into marketing strategies. Advancements in technology, such as improved hardware, better tracking capabilities, and more sophisticated content creation tools, will further enhance the immersive experiences. As these technologies become more accessible and affordable, we can expect to see a wider adoption across industries. AR and VR will continue to play a vital role in shaping the future of marketing by providing brands with powerful tools to connect with consumers on a deeper level, create memorable experiences, and differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace.

  • The Next Evolution of Retail & Ecommerce | AWE Nite Chicago | June 2023 (VRAR Chicago)

  • The Next Evolution of Space | AWE Nite Chicago | May 2023 (VRAR Chicago)

  • The Next Evolution of Patient Driven Health | AWE Nite Chicago | April 2023 (VRAR Chicago)

  • Key Learnings from XR Failures

  • The Next Evolution of The Military | AWE Nite Chicago | February 2023 (VRAR Chicago)

  • The Next Evolution of Museums 2022 | AWE Nite Chicago (VRAR Chicago)

  • The Next Evolution of Education 2022 | AWE Nite Chicago (VRAR Chicago)

  • The Next Evolution of Healthcare 2022 | AWE Nite Chicago (VRAR Chicago)

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of Hospitality 2022

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of Games 2022

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution: Immersive Technology & Law

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of Sports & Entertainment

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of AEC 2022

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of Training

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of The Future of Work

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of Safety, Security, & Social Responsibility

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of Storytelling 2021

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of Education 2021

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of Research 2021

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of Hospitality 2021

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of Manufacturing 2021

  • VRAR Chicago: TNE Side Screens

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of Product Design 2021

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of Real Estate 2021

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of Live Events

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of Health, Wellness, & Fitness 2021

  • VRAR Chicago: The Next Evolution of Training 2021

  • 2.3.2021: The Next Evolution of Media & Communications

  • Jan-2021-Arts&Culture

  • VR&AR-in-Esports&Games-VRARChicago-Dec2020-CenterScreen

  • Nov.20--VR&AR-in-Education--CenterScreen

  • Nov.20-sidescreens

  • Oct-2020-Healthcare

  • TIM+-Oct-2020-Healthcare-center-PART-TWO

  • Oct-2020-Healthcare-sidescreens

  • Manufacturing-2020-sidescreens

  • Manufacturing-2020-center

  • VirBELA Side Screens

  • 08/05/2020: #TheNextEvolution of Emergency Response

    Virtual and augmented reality are not new tools to the emergency response industry. The military, law enforcement date, paramedics, and fire departments have long embraced VR/AR for training, logistics, fleet management, operational planning, on-location support, and more. Come hear from the experts how immersive technology is supporting the jobs of the people who protect society.

  • VirBELA Center Screen