• Tips to Give a Good Science Talk

    Green Bank Summer Student Coffee Talk: Tips to Give a Good Science Talk

  • 2024 Solar Eclipse - What to Expect

    Given for the Ford City and New Castle Public Libraries

  • What's Beyond Geo?

    533rd TRS Space Force Briefing - Feb 28, 2024

  • The Life and Death of Stars and Planets

    Inaugural talk of the 10th Street Station Speaker Series, October 23, 2023

  • The World's Most Extreme Telescopes

    A talk in Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, Norway after a Green Bank Observatory crew disassembled pieces from the Kartverket 20-meter Telescope for reuse on the Green Bank 20-meter Telescope

  • Breakthrough Listen 2023

    A talk for the Breakthrough Listen 2023 Summer Students. This covers a brief background on the GBT, some of our diverse science, and my personal science on mapping star formation regions in the Milky Way.

  • Mapping the Milky Way (with HII Regions)

  • Star Formation in Our Galaxy Far, Far Away

  • The Outskirts of the Milky Way

  • Mapping the Milky Way

  • Stargazing with the World's Largest Telescopes - Westminster College Colloquium

  • GBO/NRAO User's Committee 2021 - GBO Science Talk

  • A Census of High-Mass Star Formation Throughout the Milky Way

    DRAO Colloquium - March 24, 2021

  • AAS 236

  • AAS 235

  • Tracing Star Formation Across the Entire Milky Way

    Green Bank Observatory Colloquium / Job Interview Talk

  • High-Mass Star Formation in the Far Outer Galaxy

    Dense Gas in the OSC. Presented at the Harvard-Smithsonian Stars and Planets Seminar in Cambridge, MA on November 18, 2019.

  • High-Mass Star Formation in the Far Outer Galaxy

    Dense Gas in the OSC. Presented at the StarFormMapper conference in York, UK on September 17, 2019.

  • Star Formation in our Galaxy Far, Far Away

    West Virginia Governors School for Math and Science (7.8.2019)

  • Star Formation Across the Galaxy

    Chautauqua Short Course at Green Bank Observatory (5.29.2019)