• Distributed Tracing with OpenTelemetry

    15 minute exploration of OpenTelemetry and how distributed tracing works with it.

  • O11yFest 2022 New Relic

  • Dynamic and Metaprogramming with Crystal

    Compiled, statically typed languages aren't typically known for their dynamic nature or their ability to cater to metaprogramming of the type that languages like Ruby are known for. And while it is true that some of the things that Ruby does aren't easily supported within the Crystal ecosystem, Crystal does provide programmers with a powerful, capable set of tools for building the same sorts of dynamic metaprogramming that Ruby is known for. This talk will survey some of those techniques, and look at how they work to achieve surprisingly powerful results.

  • Futurestack : Putting Some AI Into Your Code

    Crystal is a very fast statically typed language, with type inference, implemented on LLVM, but with a very Ruby-like syntax that makes it easy for Ruby developers to pick it up and become productive with it quite quickly.


    Startup Pitch of a Lifetime!

  • My Favorite Place on Earth

    A pictorial exploration of the life and times of my favorite place.

  • Building an Observability Platform With Crystal

    This year I built an observability platform with Crystal, having never done a project with it larger than building some dice rolling simulation tools. Not including the React front end, there is about 7500 lines of crystal between code and specs, and growing, that implement everything from the API server for the React front end to the endpoints for receiving data from the remote agents, all in Crystal. It's fast. It's stable. It's capable. It's easy to work with. It doesn't use a lot of RAM. And it has been really enjoyable to build all of this in Crystal while simultaneously learning the language.

  • Human Energy Systems On and Off a Ketogenic Diet

    Anyone who has even paid a little attention to diet and nutrition in the last 20 years has probably heard someone mention "keto". However, most people don't really understand what it is or how it works. Human energy physiology is very complicated, but understanding the basic ways in which it works can be quite simple.

  • The Average Guy Approach to Planning for and Surviving an Ultramarathon

    Running an ultra endurance event may appear, from the outside, like a simple thing. You show up. You run for a long time. You hopefully cross the finish line. However, properly planning for the actual event, and executing on that plan is an important part of successfully completing something like a 50 mile run.

  • DevOps For Developers: Staging with Terraform

    Terraform is a tool that lets infrastructure be managed as code. Infrastructure is typically the purview of DevOps staff, but even if a developer doesn't have primary responsibility for infrastructure related tasks, it is valuable for a developer to have a basic understanding of how a service like Terraform works and how they can use it to manage infrastructure themselves.

  • DevOps For Developers: Lambda

    DevOps topics are frequently a mystery, even to experienced developers. This presentation covers the use of the AWS Lambda service, teaching the devops concepts that are useful for a developer to know in order to dive in and start using Lambda themselves.

  • Crystal for Rubyists

    Crystal is a very fast statically typed language, with type inference, implemented on LLVM, but with a very Ruby-like syntax that makes it easy for Ruby developers to pick it up and become productive with it quite quickly.

  • It's Rubies All The Way Down - Paris.rb 2018

    Paris.rb 2018 presentation on using Ruby for all of the layers in a full stack web app.

  • It's Rubies All The Way Down

    RubyKaigi 2018 presentation on using Ruby for all of the layers in a full stack web app.

  • Web Server Concurrency

    RubyKaigi 2016 Presentation on web server concurrency.

  • Let's Build a Webserver!

    Railsconf 2016 Workshop -- Building web servers with Ruby

  • The Griffin House

    The history of the Griffin House, on Bear Creek,