• Refactory-Attention

    A bried introduction to attention mechanisms in deep learning

  • Open Problems

  • Xray

  • deck

  • DL Indaba X Cameroon

  • MakAI-NLP-Attention

    A bried introduction to attention mechanisms in deep learning

  • DSA-NLP-Attention

    A bried introduction to attention mechanisms in deep learning

  • Visual QA

  • ICTinUganda

    A Brief overview of ICT in Uganda. Presentation to the CEED Concordia mentors. February 2021

  • Introduction to Deep Learning

    Presentation made at Data Science Africa - Kampala, Uganda (Virtual Edition)

  • probability4ML

    Guest Lecture at Makerere University, for the Masters of Computer Science August 2019

  • indaba-spotlight-deck

    Spotlight presentation for the Deep Learning Indaba, Nairobi, Kenya: August 2019

  • Speech Recognition

    Presentation to the very first Machine Learning Speech reading group at the Makerere University AI Lab

  • DSA Intro to Computer Vision - Addis Ababa

    Presentation on Computer Vision given at the Data Science Africa Summer School in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

  • Deep Learning Frameworks

    Presentation made at the IndabaX ug workshop 5th April 2019