• Elixir & Phoenix Lightning Talk

    Slides for the introduction of an Elixir workshop for Web Geeks

  • Elm Programming Language

    a presentation for Iowa Code Camp as an introduction to the Elm Programming Language

  • Thor CLI

    a presentation for Iowa Ruby Brigade around the Thor CLI tool with an example of creating a Magic the Gathering search CLI tool

  • Unpacking Webpack 4

    a presentation for Des Moines Webgeeks Spring Social about Webpack and new features in Webpack 4

  • Redux

    internal work presentation for helping co-workers get introduced to Redux

  • A Walk Through of a Phoenix Web Application

    A presentation I gave for Des Moines Web Geeks regarding the Phoenix Web Framework that I used for creating a raffle app for the event

  • Elixir Talk for Iowa Ruby Brigade

    a presentation for Iowa Ruby Brigade presenting on the Elixir programming language