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  • Paul On Trial

    Often our ideas of witnessing are too narrow, focused on evangelism methods or own conversion stories. But Acts Shows us more. The Book of Acts is the Holy Spirit's answer in action to Christ's command to "be my witnesses." We invite you to view the Apostles' testimony with us, as we learn from them how to take the witness stand too.

  • Missionary Journey 3

    Often our ideas of witnessing are too narrow, focused on evangelism methods or own conversion stories. But Acts Shows us more. The Book of Acts is the Holy Spirit's answer in action to Christ's command to "be my witnesses." We invite you to view the Apostles' testimony with us, as we learn from them how to take the witness stand too.

  • Missionary Journey 2

    Often our ideas of witnessing are too narrow, focused on evangelism methods or own conversion stories. But Acts Shows us more. The Book of Acts is the Holy Spirit's answer in action to Christ's command to "be my witnesses." We invite you to view the Apostles' testimony with us, as we learn from them how to take the witness stand too.

  • Missionary Journey 1

    Often our ideas of witnessing are too narrow, focused on evangelism methods or own conversion stories. But Acts Shows us more. The Book of Acts is the Holy Spirit's answer in action to Christ's command to "be my witnesses." We invite you to view the Apostles' testimony with us, as we learn from them how to take the witness stand too.

  • Witness Beyond Jerusalem

    Often our ideas of witnessing are too narrow, focused on evangelism methods or own conversion stories. But Acts Shows us more. The Book of Acts is the Holy Spirit's answer in action to Christ's command to "be my witnesses." We invite you to view the Apostles' testimony with us, as we learn from them how to take the witness stand too.

  • Hostile Witness

    Often our ideas of witnessing are too narrow, focused on evangelism methods or own conversion stories. But Acts Shows us more. The Book of Acts is the Holy Spirit's answer in action to Christ's command to "be my witnesses." We invite you to view the Apostles' testimony with us, as we learn from them how to take the witness stand too.

  • Witness On Trial

    Often our ideas of witnessing are too narrow, focused on evangelism methods or own conversion stories. But Acts Shows us more. The Book of Acts is the Holy Spirit's answer in action to Christ's command to "be my witnesses." We invite you to view the Apostles' testimony with us, as we learn from them how to take the witness stand too.

  • Power of Christian Community

    Often our ideas of witnessing are too narrow, focused on evangelism methods or own conversion stories. But Acts Shows us more. The Book of Acts is the Holy Spirit's answer in action to Christ's command to "be my witnesses." We invite you to view the Apostles' testimony with us, as we learn from them how to take the witness stand too.

  • Witness Intimidation

    Often our ideas of witnessing are too narrow, focused on evangelism methods or own conversion stories. But Acts Shows us more. The Book of Acts is the Holy Spirit's answer in action to Christ's command to "be my witnesses." We invite you to view the Apostles' testimony with us, as we learn from them how to take the witness stand too.

  • Pentecost, Peter, and The Prophets

    Often our ideas of witnessing are too narrow, focused on evangelism methods or own conversion stories. But Acts Shows us more. The Book of Acts is the Holy Spirit's answer in action to Christ's command to "be my witnesses." We invite you to view the Apostles' testimony with us, as we learn from them how to take the witness stand too.

  • Eye Witness News

    Often our ideas of witnessing are too narrow, focused on evangelism methods or own conversion stories. But Acts Shows us more. The Book of Acts is the Holy Spirit's answer in action to Christ's command to "be my witnesses." We invite you to view the Apostles' testimony with us, as we learn from them how to take the witness stand too.

  • Evangelical: Positive Witness

    From Acts to us. Church history is the story of our big family. Join us as we explore the deciding events in church history and the prominent people that shape who we are today.

  • Fundamental: Unshakeable Faith

    From Acts to us. Church history is the story of our big family. Join us as we explore the deciding events in church history and the prominent people that shape who we are today.

  • Missional: All the World

    From Acts to us. Church history is the story of our big family. Join us as we explore the deciding events in church history and the prominent people that shape who we are today.

  • Revivalist: Alter Call

    From Acts to us. Church history is the story of our big family. Join us as we explore the deciding events in church history and the prominent people that shape who we are today.

  • Baptist: You Gotta Believe

    From Acts to us. Church history is the story of our big family. Join us as we explore the deciding events in church history and the prominent people that shape who we are today.

  • Protestant: Back to Basics

    From Acts to us. Church history is the story of our big family. Join us as we explore the deciding events in church history and the prominent people that shape who we are today.

  • Devotional: Holiness and Hearts

    From Acts to us. Church history is the story of our big family. Join us as we explore the deciding events in church history and the prominent people that shape who we are today.

  • Catholic?: The First Split

    From Acts to us. Church history is the story of our big family. Join us as we explore the deciding events in church history and the prominent people that shape who we are today.

  • Orthodox: Councilling for Heretics

    From Acts to us. Church history is the story of our big family. Join us as we explore the deciding events in church history and the prominent people that shape who we are today.

  • Biblical: Loading the Canon

    From Acts to us. Church history is the story of our big family. Join us as we explore the deciding events in church history and the prominent people that shape who we are today.

  • Apostolic: Acts and After

    From Acts to us. Church history is the story of our big family. Join us as we explore the deciding events in church history and the prominent people that shape who we are today.

  • Past Matters: Introduction

    From Acts to us. Church history is the story of our big family. Join us as we explore the deciding events in church history and the prominent people that shape who we are today.

  • Christian Conduct (All): Titus 2:11-15

    The Gospel

  • Christian Conduct (Men, Women, Servants): Titus 2:1-10

    What guides us in faithful living? Sound doctrine, Sober dignity, Sensible discipline.

  • Good & Bad Leaders: Titus 1:5-16

    Living The Truth Among The Liars: When the lines of social morality get blurry, Paul calls us to be bold. We are to be faithful and true like the Gospel, Spirit-empowered to live as good citizens in a bad world. Join us as we consider how Paul's letter to Titus should guide how we live today.

  • Introduction Titus 1:1-4

    Living The Truth Among The Liars: When the lines of social morality get blurry, Paul calls us to be bold. We are to be faithful and true like the Gospel, Spirit-empowered to live as good citizens in a bad world. Join us as we consider how Paul's letter to Titus should guide how we live today.

  • The Coming Anointed: Psalms and The Gospel

  • Warning & Judgment: Psalms and Prophets

  • The Way of the Righteous: Psalms and Wisdom

  • God's Word & Worship: Psalms and The Law

  • The Covenant Story: Psalms and Sacred History

  • How to Grow: Serving

    This week, we want to think about how we can cultivate the spiritual discipline of serving in our lives.

  • The Garden of Gardens: The Word that teaches us to love the Word

  • Psalms of Prophets?: Psalms of Haggai, Zechariah, and Jeremiah?

  • Music Leaders: Psalms of Asaph and the Sons of Korah

  • Great Minds: Psalms of Moses and Solomon

  • Heart of Worship: Psalms of David 2

  • Heart of Worship: Psalms of David 1

  • Who Wrote the Psalms?

    If you ask a lot of Christians today--and many Christians in the past--who wrote the Psalms, they would say “David!” But then the Critics say, “Silly naive Christians! The Psalms weren’t by David! The Psalms are late, post-exilic, probably Maccabbean, not by David or anybody else named in the titles.” So who is right? It’s complicated!

  • Conclusion

  • Two Victorian Manger Scenes

    What Child Is This + In the Bleak Midwinter

  • Gospel True: Two Carols from Northern Europe

    Infant Holy, Infant Lowly + Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming

  • Christmas Merriment, Christmas Mourning

    God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen + The Coventry Carol

  • What Makes a Christmas Carol Good?

    Oh Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is + The First Nowell

  • History and Tradition: Two Kinds of Past

    Of the Father’s Love Begotten + I Wonder as I Wander

  • Giving: Spirit-led Generosity

    We have seen that our calling to be a blessing involves our speech and actions. Today we will be reminded by scripture that blessing also involves our wealth. As believers, our generosity has a greater purpose and is led by the Spirit, not reluctantly or by compulsion.

  • Action: The Peace of the City

    Action is required in order to be a blessing. But what sort of action? Who should we bless? What is the purpose and end result of blessing others? In this session, we will walk through the questions and look to the Bible for answers.

  • Speaking: Speak the truth in love

    Our blessings to the Lord and to others are not totally different things, or even two sides of a single coin: they are much more unified than that. All blessings flow from above, and our spoken blessings tell that truth from a loving heart. We echo heaven as we speak good of God and others. In this lesson we'll unpack the true power and purpose of blessing.

  • Calling: Called to Blessing

    This world is filled with trials and distractions that aim to misguide and discourage us. But, we serve a big God that has included us in a big task to make His name great among the nations. He is blessed and has blessed us and called us to be a blessing.