Witness, Stand

A study in Acts

Often our ideas of witnessing are too narrow, focused on evangelism methods or own conversion stories. But Acts Shows us more. The Book of Acts is the Holy Spirit's answer in action to Christ's command to "be my witnesses." We invite you to view the Apostles' testimony with us, as we learn from them how to take the witness stand too.

Missionary Journey 3

Witness On The Move (The Witness in Ephesus)

Itinerary of Paul’s Third Journey

City/Island Province/Region Reference
Antioch Syria Acts 18:22
Galatia Acts 18:23
Asia (region of Phrygia) Acts 18:23
Ephesus Asia Acts 19:1–40
Macedonia Acts 20:1–2
Corinth? Achaia Acts 20:2–3
Macedonia Acts 20:3
Philippi Macedonia Acts 20:6
Troas Asia Acts 20:6–12
Assos Asia Acts 20:13–14
Mitylene Asia Acts 20:14
Chios/Samos Asia Acts 20:15
Miletus Asia Acts 20:15–38
Cos Asia Acts 21:1
Rhodes Rhodes Acts 21:1
Patara Lycia Acts 21:1
Tyre Syria Acts 21:3–6

Itinerary of Paul’s Second Journey

City/Island Province/Region Reference
Ptolemais Syria Acts 21:7
Caesarea Palestine Acts 21:8–14
Jerusalem Palestine Acts 21:15–17

Ephesus in the Time of Paul (c. A.D. 60)

The city plan shows those features of the city of Ephesus that archaeologists have so far identified as dating from the time of Paul. Many of the notable buildings uncovered in the excavation at Ephesus date from later periods.

1. The Complete Gospel

2. In The Name of Jesus

3. Riots, Lock-ins, and Elder Meetings

4. The Beginning of the End

Next week

Paul on Trial

Missionary Journey 3

By Butch Ewing

Missionary Journey 3

Often our ideas of witnessing are too narrow, focused on evangelism methods or own conversion stories. But Acts Shows us more. The Book of Acts is the Holy Spirit's answer in action to Christ's command to "be my witnesses." We invite you to view the Apostles' testimony with us, as we learn from them how to take the witness stand too.

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