Grails and Docker
Gr8conf US 2017: Why Docker? Why containers? We'll take a hands on approach in answering these questions. We'll cover several methods of utilizing Docker for developing, running and hosting your Grails applications. We'll look at what it both Grails 2 and Grails 3. No Docker experience needed!
Performance tuning your Grails apps
Gr8conf US 2017: You built it, they came - success!! What happens months or years later if your app grows and starts to slow down, grow too large or starts to be unreliable? We'll take a look at common pitfalls and their solutions, as well as take a more in-depth approach on how to address performance concerns. Whether Grails 2 or Grails 3, we'll dive into some real-world stories and cover some of the tricks and tools.
Grails' View Layer
In years past Grails has taken view technologies forward with GSPs (GroovyServerPages) taglibs and layouts. At its core, Grails3 is a Spring Boot app. We’ll explore what the view layer looks like in modern webapplications delivering HTML, API and other experiences. We’ll look at the grails-views project and cover the options rendering json, markdown and take a look at what it takes to add your own view layer.
Securing your Grails application: A survey/layout of the security plugin space
Presentation at G3 Summit US 2016 https://g3summit.com/conference/fort_lauderdale/2016/11/session?id=36855 Securing your application with Spring Security has been the defacto standard in Grails. There is a suite of plugins at your disposal that give us a great start when securing our applications. We’ll cover the suite of spring-security related plugins, how they plug into Spring Security and how they interact with each other. We’ll dive into the underpinnings of AuthenticationProviders, Stateless authentication, ACLs and more.
Securing your Grails application: A survey/layout of the security plugin space
Presentation at GR8Conf US 2016 http://gr8conf.us/#/talk/366 Securing your application with Spring Security has been the defacto standard in Grails. There is a suite of plugins at your disposal that give us a great start when securing our applications. We’ll cover the suite of spring-security related plugins, how they plug into Spring Security and how they interact with each other. We’ll dive into the underpinnings of AuthenticationProviders, Stateless authentication, ACLs and more.
Getting started with Grails 3
Presentation at GR8Conf US 2016 http://gr8conf.us/#/talk/367 Grails is a powerful web framework, for the Java platform aimed at multiplying developers’ productivity thanks to a Convention-over-Configuration, sensible defaults and opinionated APIs. It integrates smoothly with the JVM, allowing you to be immediately productive whilst providing powerful features, including integrated ORM, Domain-Specific Languages, runtime and compile-time meta-programming and Asynchronous programming. Whether you are new to Grails, or just getting started with Grails 3 come learn about the latest and greatest releases of Grails have to offer!
Booting IoT with Grails
A look at what it means to use a web-framework in the world of connected IoT devices
Web Application Security
Web Application Security - Micro or macro: don't get hacked
Groovy Browser Automation
Securing your Grails app-2gx-2014
Functional Testing your Grails app with GEB :: Gr8conf.US
How to test your Grails application
Web UI Testing
BITS in Omaha NE :: June 12th 2014
Functional Testing your Grails app with GEB
Testing Grails