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  • Adzerk engineering presentation template

  • A music composition language with a functional backbone

    Presented at Compose :: Conference, August 2018, Melbourne

  • Computer Programs

    For Science Day at Hillandale Elementary School, 3/23/18

  • Programming Music with Alda and Clojure

    Slides for Alda workshop at TriClojure meetup, 1/25/18

  • AWS API Gateway

  • How to Make Music With Computers

    for Science Day at Hillandale Elementary School, 3/24/17

  • ZeroMQ for Clojurists

  • alda: a music composition language

  • Getting Started With GitHub

    for Pearl Hacks, 4/2/16, Chapel Hill, NC

  • Alda: A Music Programming Language, Built in Clojure

    Inspired by other music/audio programming languages such as PPMCK, LilyPond and ChucK, Alda aims to be a powerful and flexible programming language for the musician who wants to easily compose and generate music on the fly, using only a text editor. Clojure proved to be an ideal language for building a language like Alda, not only because of its wealth of excellent libraries like Instaparse and Overtone, but also because of its Lispy transparency and facility for crafting DSLs.