• Garbage Collection Essentials

    Through these slides we’ll learn about GC Essentials starting with the building blocks algorithms from direct collectors (RC) to the indirect ones (Mark-Sweep, Mark-Compact and Copy GC). After that we’ll focus on the indirect ones and learn about the Generational Collectors and we’ll see how they are useful in current GC implementations on the JVM . We'll learn things such as “How the Heap is divided?”, “What kind of GC implementations are available in the JVM?”, “ What are the differences between them?” and other interesting things. Finally we’ll do a sneak peek about Non-Generational collectors available on the JVM (Shenandoah, ZGC).

  • Monitoring Production: Methodologically

    A tour of Monitoring / Observability and some of the most used methodologies (USE | THE FOUR GOLDEN SIGNALS) to monitor systems and troubleshoot. Some of the questions that guided this talk are: - How to design a good monitoring system? - What methodologies can we apply? - What is observability and how can it benefit us? - Are we doing the right things? Really?

  • Distributed Tracing

    Are you looking at a bunch of fragments of your distributed infrastructure? Your microservices structure has been shattered, your users are complaining and you don't have a clue where to start ... which of your hundreds of services is slowing down requests? Distributed Tracing comes to the rescue! In this talk we will show you a possible solution based on Zipkin and Kamon

  • Demystifying Functional Programming

    Functional programming with abstractions.

  • JIT Optimizations