• Building Evolutionary API with GraphQL and Python

    This tutorial will focus on building a GraphQL API using the Python library Graphene with a Django backend as a vehicle for teaching the principals of evolutionary API that can be applied across any tech stack, including REST, as well as the more practical concerns of working with Graphene and designing your API for GraphQL.

  • Trunk Based Development: In a Nutshell (2U)

    A brief overview of Trunk-based development and related practices.

  • GraphQL: A Choose Your Own Adventure for Client Web Services (PyGotham)

    In the style of a modern, web-development choose your own adventure, we'll explore the benefits and trade offs of GraphQL and REST. We'll build up an example schema using a choose your own adventure story as the model and leverage that schema in frontend code. We'll also learn about some advanced considerations of GraphQL like performance and caching.

  • GraphQL, Apollo Caching and API Design!

    A mini pecha kucha on how to design better mutations to work with Apollo caching.

  • Choose Your Own Adventure for Client Web Services with GraphQL

    In the style of a modern, web-development choose your own adventure, we'll explore the benefits and trade offs of GraphQL and REST. We'll build up an example schema using a choose your own adventure story as the model and leverage that schema in frontend code. We'll also learn about some advanced considerations of GraphQL like performance and scaling.

  • AWESOME Graphql

    Why is GraphQL awesome?

  • React, Redux, Apollo and friends

    Best practices for using these frameworks together

  • Tries

  • One way to host a Flask web app on Heroku