• fh-dev-proxy

    A guide to local development against secure backend services.

  • FeedHenry API/SDK

    Quick guide to the FeedHenry API/SDK for client and cloud apps.

  • FeedHenry Platform Overview

    Developer focused crash course for the FeedHenry platform

  • FeedHenry Services

    An introduction to FeedHenry Services

  • Git Overview & Branch Strategy

    FeedHenry, and general, Git intro, complete with an example project branching strategy.

  • IDE/Editor Setup

    A quick overview of preferable editor settings and useful code formatting tools.

  • UI, Logging, and Hybrid Gotchas

    A quick slide covering Logging for FeedHenry Node.js applications, UI Frameworks and a quick summary of UI gotchas for Hybrid mobile apps

  • Node.js Overview

    A basic overview of Node.js core concepts.

  • Sharing JavaScript - Client & Cloud

    An overview of how it's possible to share JavaScript code written using the Node.js module style (CommonJS) using Browserify.

  • JavaScript Unit Testing

    An introduction to unit testing for JavaScript applications running on a client or server (Node.js) These slides cover, Mocha/Jasmine, Chai, Karma, AngularJS and FeedHenry testing practices.