YPO Next Generation Member
Member of the YNG+ International Program, which focuses on connecting young members
globally to explore opportunities with the YPO community to enhance professional and life
Columbia University Academic Year Immers
Orthodontist Job is a Soaring Career to Take You Dreams High
Nov 01, 20218100
Teaching Critical Thinking for ESL Students
Aug 23, 20217960
How to Help Subject Matter Experts Meet the Needs of Different Learning Styles
This series of articles by <a href="https://www.pinterest.com/franciscodearmascostas/">Francisco De Armas Costas </a>began by identifying five challenges involved in encouraging SMEs to use participatory learning activities: to help them: (1) recognize the value of participatory learning activities; (2) become open to the idea of actually using participatory activities; (3) see that participatory activities are not necessarily difficult to design; (4) learn how to select appropriate activities; and (5) become comfortable with facilitating participatory activities.