Giorgio Natili is an author, educator, community leader, W3C member, and founder of GNStudio, a boutique Rome-based development and design studio specializing in engaging and accessible web and mobile experiences. A strong proponent of agile developm
Mutation testing is a technique used to evaluate the quality of existing test suites that implies modifying a program logic in small ways such as negating conditionals, changing a logical connector, and so on to introduce faults. When the application code changes, it should produce different results and cause the unit tests to fail. If a unit test does not fail in this situation, it may indicate that there is an issue in the test suite. Mutation testing typically utilizes a set of language-specific source code transformations, called operators, to introduce faults, but these operators may not be sufficient to generate enough mutations to cover the specific domain of the system under test. Join Giorgio in this session to learn more about mutation testing and how to create operators to generate mutations specific to a custom domain.
Dec 01, 20195370
Reactive Streams in Angular
Linus Torvalds is not an easy person to deal with, but he did great things and shared interesting thoughts with the community. Once he said "Talk is Cheap, Show Me the Code," and he was right. Join me in this talk for a code walkthrough to define the architecture of an Angular reactive app that consumes data streams by mixing observables, events, pipes and relying on an immutable state.
Oct 28, 20189780
TDD the C++ Layer of an Android app
Aug 11, 20188890
Funtastic Kotlin
Aug 11, 20185300
Sep 07, 20168780
Apr 29, 20141,0420
Apr 15, 20141,0770
Rapsberry PI Mobile
Jun 28, 20138,7880
Develop, Test, and Debug Cross-platform Apps Using PhoneGap