• Generator Functions

  • WebRTC

    WebRTC is a collection of protocols that grants computers the power to share data and real time media without the intervention of a server. Well that’s kind of a lie. We still need servers to help establish the connection. But it’s still pretty cool! I don’t suppose you’ve ever used Zoom or Google Hangouts before have you? Well, those use WebRTC too. What if we could build our own video chat? Well, that’s what we’re gonna do. We will build our very own WebRTC video chat app! Along the way, we’ll learn about all the moving pieces involved in establishing peer to peer WebRTC connections. We’ll talk about STUN, TURN, ICE, and a mouthful of other fun acronyms. The build will focus on the front end client, the server they use to introduce themselves to each other, and we’ll deploy open source solutions for anything else we need.

  • How to Program Interactive Videos for the Modern Web

    From social media, to doctor visits, to education - interactive video has become much more important for businesses and individual Internet users alike. As of 2020, browsers and Internet infrastructure have advanced much farther beyond the point of simply being able to play a video on a web page. In this talk, we’ll take a survey of the different video capabilities supported by browsers, the JavaScript APIs that enable these features, and some of the pitfalls encountered on specific platforms and browsers.

  • Web Video in 2020

  • Custom RxJS Operators

  • Advanced Patterns for Angular Components

    Getting started with Angular components is easy enough, but sometimes we need more than simple inputs and outputs to satisfy complex scenarios. Perhaps your component requires complicated local state management? Maybe two of your components need to play nicely together, yet maintain an appropriate level of separation? How can we efficiently reuse code between multiple components that require the same behavior but display different templates? In this talk, we’ll leverage Angular features like form controls, templates, and queries to build components with flexible, intuitive APIs and explore a couple of code smells that signal a need for better patterns.

  • React Patterns in Angular Land

    React and Angular are the most widely used front-end libraries today. Both tools have undoubtedly enabled developers to become more productive, and both have seen a lot of maturation in the past couple years. Rather than pitting the two against each other in a high-stakes death match, perhaps there exist opportunities for developers of one library to learn from the best practices of the other. In this talk, though perhaps not as exciting as a bloody cage fight, we’ll learn about the most popular patterns circulating in the React community and see how we can apply the same techniques to write better Angular code.