• NestJS London October 2019

  • NestJS London July 2019

  • Lunch & Learn - Sendgrid

  • Flexible Forms in React-Native

  • Coderschool React-Native Demo Day

  • Coderschool Demo Day

  • React Native w/ App Center

  • From London with Love

  • RN London February 2018

  • RN London January 2018

  • EyeWitness - Hack The Police

  • RN London November 2017

  • Theodo NLTK

  • Puppeteer

  • RN London July 2017

  • RN London April + May 2017

  • RN London June 2017

  • An Introduction to Scrapy

  • React-Native London Meetup

  • Tree-based Progressive Migration - Final

  • Pocket Bot