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  • Joseph Wolfe Olympia WA

  • Joe Wolfe soundcloud

  • Make a Difference with Joe Wolfe

  • The 7 Habits of strongly become Debt Free

    Will you have a debt? Will you like to be free from debt? If so, then you might want to look at the patterns that are the source of the debt that you have. These patterns are more than likely to be the stuff you do in your everyday life. It is possible to change these patterns and attitudes, and you will be happy you have done so.

  • Joe Wolfe Olympia Native / Yelm Finance

    Joseph F. Wolfe is a specialist and government manager in financial services with more than 20 years of experience helping entities handle their financial obligations. Joe Wolfe currently serves as the Thurston County, Washington, Grant Superintendent. Joe was an award-winning director of finance for the City of Yelm, Washington, before that. If he does not review budgets or spearhead new projects,

  • Thurston County Auditors from WA, USA

    Specifically, I am responsible for creating, preparing, and organizing local, state, and federal grants-related county-wide resource needs and ensuring that all funding requirements are met.

  • Meet the Finance Professional from Yelm, WA

    Joe Wolfe is a finance professional and leader in Thurston County, Washington. He has worked in the public services sector for nearly twenty years. Joe Wolfe currently lives and works in Olympia, Washington.

  • Joe Wolfe – Thurston County, WA

    Joe Wolfe is a financial accounting specialist with 20 years of experience in the public sector. He is the Grant Manager for the Thurston County Auditor's Office in Washington. He has served in local and state governments for 18 years.

  • Meet the Joe Wolfe Who from the state of Washington

    Joseph F. Wolfe has close to 20 years of service to the public sector. Wolfe currently serves as the Grant Manager for


    My name is Joseph (Joe) Wolfe, I currently live in Yelm, Washington and work in Thurston County. Work Background: Preparing, coordinating, and managing the City of Yelm's financial activities was my main duty as Finance Director. I also served as a member of the City's executive management team.

  • Yelm Finance Director Earns Certified Government Financial Manager Designation

    "It is important for the City to show integrity and ensure the safe and productive use of our public funds," Wolfe said. "CGFM qualification reflects the City's contribution to public fund stewardship."

  • Want to Make a Difference?

    Here are 4 ways to live a healthy lifestyle which you can learn more about here.

  • Yelm Online News & Finance

    F Shame! How I Learned to Cut My Credit Card in Half Remember I told you about how I created some debt reduction principles that helped me get out of debt? I want to make sure you read that cover as well. I want to give you the beginner principles and then some advanced lessons of how to go on from there. First, you'll want to figure out how much debt you really are in. Is the amount a little more than you would like it to be? Do you think you handle it well by making minimum payments every month? If that's the case, then you may benefit from reading the next few paragraphs. I first learned how to break the cycle of spending more than I make and that is by using the principle of "Well, you can have it all." I took that lesson from a financial advisor whom I met with years ago who asked me, "How much debt is too much?" I had a quick discussion with myself and Me because in my case I was a shopaholic at debt. I'm a person who still remembered the feeling of buying the diamond the day after you've been engaged or a parent who freaked out when they looked at a 6-year old son with a very expensive watch. I remember the feelings I had in my heart on the day I paid off my 17th credit card and had my first pay check of the year! We lived like rock stars and knew that we could handle anything that might happen. We knew that we were on the upper end of our vocabularies, so we lived.

  • Joe WolfeThurston County Finance

    Joe Wolfe has an impressive educational background, and he has had the opportunity to continue his education through certification programs throughout his career. Joe is a graduate of Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, where he earned a Bachelor of Applied Arts in Industrial Supervision and Management in 1999.

  • Areas of Strength

    WA: Yelm's Joe Wolfe presents Areas of Strength and Technology Skills in this comprehensive deck.