• The Art of Constructive Feedback

    Solid.js has an API that feels very familiar to React developers, but under the hood is completely different. Solid.js has a suite of “fine-grained reactive primitives.” It is these primitives that we will explore and learn how to use coming from the perspective of a React.js Developer.

  • Documenting Storybook with TS and JSDocs

  • deck

  • Speaking at Conferences

    Solid.js has an API that feels very familiar to React developers, but under the hood is completely different. Solid.js has a suite of “fine-grained reactive primitives.” It is these primitives that we will explore and learn how to use coming from the perspective of a React.js Developer.

  • Intro to Solid.js for React Developers (or anyone else)

    Solid.js has an API that feels very familiar to React developers, but under the hood is completely different. Solid.js has a suite of “fine-grained reactive primitives.” It is these primitives that we will explore and learn how to use coming from the perspective of a React.js Developer.

  • How to achieve layout composition in React - React Summit

  • How to achieve layout composition in React

  • Stop Writing Reusable React Components

  • CSS Grid Component Patterns