Copy of Slides for Developers
Slides is a presentation platform for developers built on top of the reveal.js open source HTML presentation framework. We offer a wide range of developer-focused features like step-by-step code highlighting, a CSS editor, LaTeX typesetting and more.
Copy of HEWeb Milwaukee: A Fresh Perspective on Responsive Web Design
A presentation on concepts and tools for a responsive design initiative.
Copy of Testing Practices and Principles
The goal of a test is to increase your confidence that the subject of your test is functioning the way it should be. Not all tests provide the same level of confidence (some provide very little confidence at all). If you’re not doing things correctly, you could be wasting your time and giving yourself a false sense of security (even worse than having no tests at all).
Copy of Build Your Own Website With Cloud9 and GitHub Pages
Presented at the 2015 DC Tech Lady Hackathon
Copy of [C# DSA] Sorting and Searching Algorithms
Copy of 126-HTML & CSS Foundations
Bearcat Days
CS Program 2024
Small Scale Scrum
SCRP 2024