• [PHPers] A Serializer on steroids

  • [Meetup] From Serializer to JsonEncoder

  • [Symfony Online] A Serializer on steroids

  • [AFUP Day] Rendre le Serializer plus rapide

  • [Symfony Live] Un Serializer sous stéroïdes

  • [APIP Con] Subresources and API-P 3

  • [Meetup] Elasticsearch

  • [Meetup Sylius Toulouse] JSON-LD, Sylius et SEO

  • [PHPers] A suitable serialization with API Platform and Symfony

  • [AFUP] Expression Language

  • [JDLL] Neovim

  • [Meetup Afup Lyon] Neovim

  • [API Days] A suitable serialization with API Platform and Symfony

  • [Forum PHP] Elasticsearch

  • [APIP Con] DDD & API-P 3

  • [SymfonWorld] API Platform, third act

  • [AFUP] Elasticsearch

  • [SymfonyLive] DDD & API-P 3

  • [Forum PHP] DDD & APIP

  • [APIP Con] A suitable serialization with API Platform and Symfony

  • [SymfonyLive] A suitable serialization with API Platform and Symfony

    SymfonyLive Online 2021