From ravioli maker to international speaker, GDE, MVP
Are all programming languages in English?
High-performance Next.js
Copy of Compiling and bundling JS, the painless way - 1hr
Building a full-text search engine in TypeScript
Explaining distributed systems like I'm five
You don't want to ssr your Next.js app
Solving imaginary scaling issues
Microfrontends with WebPack and module federation
Compiling and bundling JS, the painless way
From ravioli maker to international speaker
Refactoring Large JavaScript Codebases
Are all programming languages in english?
Understanding JavaScript Compilation
You don't want to SSR your Next.js app
Zero effort, high performances and secure GraphQL APIs with
Multi-tenant Next.js at any scale
Slides for my Codemotion talk about multi-tenancy in Next.js
Filosofia dell'essere felici realizzando la propria carriere
Elegance of Open Source Software
Stack Wars
Functional programming strikes back!