15' minutes to setup and try Apache Spark using the Spark Notebook and Docker
Scala & Functional Programming in Distributed Computing World
Quantilitative Revolution in GIS
Talk to be given in the context of SpaceTech event organized byt the Café Numérique Liège the 8th of October 2014. Ref. http://www.cafenumerique.org/liege/event/space-tech/
Scala and FP in Big Data
Talk given for the BigData.be meetup on July, 2014. Scala and FP introduced for the following talks about Spark.
Software Crafted And Libraries Available
Talk about the SCALA ecosystem plus the whys and hows. Given for the Yajug (LU) the 27th of May, 2014
FP |+| Entrepreneurship
More info : https://github.com/andypetrella/fp-and-entrepreneurship
Big Data Week
Big Data: Velocity
Play!2 & Scala