• Composing Masterpieces with the Vue 3 Composition API

  • Unlocking the Power of Reactivity with Vue 3

    While Vue has emerged as a dominant frontend framework, its abilities extend far beyond the DOM. What if we leveraged Vue 3.0’s powerful standalone observability system to manage services or backend datastores, with all of its reactivity goodness? We could build a highly reactive chat app, power a live scoreboard, or even have Vue trigger AWS Lambda functions as app data changes. In this talk, you’ll walk away with a full understanding of observability and the new standalone observable/effect API in Vue 3, and a new outlook on the possible applications of Vue.

  • Unconventional Vue—Vue as a Backend Framework

    While Vue has emerged as a dominant frontend framework, we can’t forget about the other side of the spectrum. What if we leveraged Vue 3.0’s powerful standalone observability system to manage our backend datastore, with all its reactivity goodness? We could build a highly reactive chat app, power a live scoreboard, or maybe even have Vue trigger AWS Lambda functions as app data changes…