Coding Dojo
2nd hardest thing in computer science
2nd hardest thing in computer science
DevFest CZ - Coding Dojo
Long-term IT projects
2nd hardest thing in computer science
2nd hardest thing in computer science
Improve your developer's toolset
2nd hardest thing in computer science
2nd hardest thing in computer science
Make MediaMaker Great Again
Introduction to Neo4j
Object Calisthenics (Code Europe)
Object Calisthenics.py SK
Object Calisthenics.py
Coding Dojo
Object Calisthenics
Object Calisthenics
9 Steps To Better OOP Code
Improve your developer's toolset
Xstream Coding Dojo #3
Xstream Coding Dojo #2
After PyCon PL
Xstream Coding Dojo