


Warsaw, 8.11.2013

What is Dojo?

"Place of learning the way"

Coding Dojo

a place to learn and have fun while programming

safe place to practice and learn by making mistakes

Short history

2004 - Paris, France

  • No habit of improving skills outside of work environment
  • Code used to learn new tech goes to production
  • No tests for new technologies
  • Develop always using same skillset

Types of Coding Dojo

  1. Prepared Kata
    • A presenter shows how to solve the challenge from scratch, using TDD and BabySteps. 
    •  Each step must make sense to everyone present for. 
    •  People should interrupt only if they don't understand what is going on.

  2. Randori Kata
    • The challenge is solved by the coding pair (driver and copilot). 
    • Everyone present is invited to help. 
    •  Each pair has a small (5 or 7 minutes) timebox to advance, using TDD and BabySteps. 
    •  At the end of the timebox, the driver goes back to the audience, the copilot becomes driver and one of the audience step up to be copilot.


  • Learn by practicing,
  • Fail in safe environment,
  • Teach one another,
  • Explain yourself to peers,
  • Explore each other's solutions,
  • Have fun!


  1. Simple design, baby steps,
  2. TDD is more than welcome,
  3. Switch in front of keyboard,
  4. Focus!


  • Write unit test for Particular BabyStep 
  •  Run it, it should fail 
  •  If it is not failing - review the test it might be wrong 
  •  Written test should generate an interfaces 
  •  Write an implementation until the test is green 
  •  Go to the next BabyStep


  • Divide into groups,
  • Present problem to be solved,
  • Work on given task,
  • Demo of each solution.

Time to split


Text Adventure Game


Xstream Coding Dojo

By Paweł Lewtak

Xstream Coding Dojo

  • 557