• deck

  • PIT

  • Animations

  • Merculiar

  • Codigo Libre

  • Media Wiki

  • Code Complete

    Code complete is a book based on software development and good practices that any developer must aware when is writing any code.

  • Security Developement Lifecycle

    Security Developement Lifecycle, good practices, etc

  • Copy of CODE COMPLETE第6回レビュー


  • CrossBrowsing

  • Git Enterprise

    On this power point the features of this development tools

  • Secure Code

    In this slide we will be showing some techniques that experienced developers use when the find some bugs and how to give a truly support to solutions.


    In this slide I try to teach some of the basics errors that beginner developers has on the time they are developing security solutions and how we can fix it.

  • Git

    This slide is a little summary about what GIT is, and what tools can we use to make the development lifecycle easier to manage.