Dominik Lubański
JavaScript Expert, Frontend Architect, and Team Leader with 10+ years of experience in web development. Taking roles in a wide range of projects with software houses, media agencies, rising startups, and other technology companies.
Internal presentation for the Fresha team folks about my hybrids library based on a presentation created for ConFrontJS 2018.
Web components are definitely the future of building blocks for the Web. Why should we care about them? How can we use them? Is there a simpler way to create them?
A short presentation about hybrids library for a lightning talk on WarsawJS meetup.
Can we create architecture, that will allow us to build a multiplatform application with only one codebase? What should be considered to create a native-like experience using web technologies?
What really are web components? How they work? Can we use them today?
In our daily work we often use prototype mechanism built-in JavaScript. But are you sure you understand it well? Let's find out!
This presentation covers various implementations of data binding process in JavaScript frameworks.