
UI library for creating Web Components with simple and functional API

Key Features

The Simplest Definition

Rather than using class and this syntax, the library uses
plain objects with property descriptors and pure functions
for defining custom elements.

Composition over the Inheritance

Hybrid property descriptors can be re-used, merged or split between the definitions and many more (for example using object rest/spread properties).

No Global Lifecycle Callbacks

The library says no to will and did - properties are independent
and only have connect and disconnect callbacks in the definition.

Memoized Property Value

Property value is cached by default and recalculated only when related properties change, which makes the library super fast!

Template as You Always Wanted

Without external tools, with built-in result caching and using
tagged template literals,
hybrids gives you all power to create views with JavaScript included.

Integration with Developer Tools

The library supports Hot Module Replacement - custom elements are live updated without the need to refresh the page.

🕹 Live demo

Thank you


By Dominik Lubański


A short presentation about hybrids library for a lightning talk on WarsawJS meetup.

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