• Copy of Getting started with Progressive Web Apps

    This intro-level session will cover the basics of Progressive Web Applications (PWA). You’ll learn about why PWAs are great for building app-like, cross-platform projects, the advantages they bring to developers, users, and businesses, and how to start building your PWAs. This talk will cover - The definition of PWAs - Advantages PWAs have over alternatives like React Native - Building a PWA with service worker API and Workbox

  • Copy of Getting started with Progressive Web Apps

    This beginner-friendly session will cover the basics of Progressive Web Applications (PWA). You’ll learn about why this concept is great for building app-like, cross-platform projects, the advantages they bring to developers, users, and businesses, and how to start building your PWAs.

  • Copy of The Status of Angular

    What is the current state of the Angular framework? What new features are there in the latest version and on the roadmap? Let's have a bird-eye view of the framework to make informed technical decisions, to make sure that we use the latest best practices, and to look into the future of our Angular projects with confidence.

  • Copy of Pydantic V2

  • Copy of How to scale and improve your NLP pipelines with spaCy.

    How to scale and improve your NLP pipelines with spaCy