• Formation GIT

  • deck

  • Standard Exceptions - Lightning Talk - Confoo 2017

    Lightning Talk about my exceptions library called Standard-Exceptions presented at #confoo 2017 in #montreal

  • Intermediate Laravel Tips and Tricks

    This presentation covers some of the more advanced features of Laravel and explains how to use them and in which contexts. This presentation assumes a little understanding and experience with Laravel and will go into Service providers, Facades, the Container, the Queues, Event driven programming and even explore some deep features of the ORM that you might not have used yet.

  • Building Behat tests like a pro

    Behat is a great tool when it comes to testing pages with javascript because it gives you a great base framework mostly when you use the Mink extensions. This talk will show the different challenges we had to solve around our SPA at Learning Bird and the kind of structure we had to adopt to create beautiful and readable tests.

  • Standard Exceptions 2.0.0

    Presentation of my open-source exceptions project!

  • From STUPID to SOLID with a touch of IOC

  • Scrutinizer

    Développer du code de qualité avec Scrutinizer CI

  • Techniques SQL avancées pour des opérations en bloc n bloc plus simples

    Présentations de quelques trucs pour mieux calculer et préparer vos données en bloc dans un serveur SQL : Voici les tables de nombres et les calendriers!

  • Advanced SQL techniques for simpler batch operations

    Presents a few tricks to process data better in a batch in SQL: Numbers and calendars!