Building Behat Tests Like a Pro

Who Are We?

We offer trusted digital content, adaptive algorithms, and teaching support tools to make it easier for all teachers to differentiate their instruction so every child performs better.

The team


Lead developer


Senior Developer


Senior developer


Developer (Main QA)

Challenges & Solutions

An SPA is Disconnected
From it's PHP Backend

  • Behat works inside PHP (Process #1)
  • An SPA is in a browser (Process #2)
  • PHP app (backend) ignores it is in testing mode unless:
    • header
    • query param
    • or other permanent change exists


  • Injecting headers or query params (hard)
  • Use a .testing file or a persistent flag somewhere to identify change of environment


// If the app_environment is null, use the environment variable
if ($environment == null) {
    if (file_exists(REAL_ROOT_DIR . '/.testing')) {
        $environment = env('LB_TESTING_ENV', 'default,local,testing');
    } else {
        $environment = env('LB_ENV', 'default');
  • .testing may not be deleted if there is a fatal error
  • Easier to activate testing environment:
    • touch .testing

Drawbacks & Good points

  • Tracking JS errors, ajax calls and window prompts can be painful


  • Inject a testing library that overrides Alerts/Confirms


window.confirm = function (confirmText) {
    var result = lb.testing.confirm.acceptConfirm; = true;
    lb.testing.confirm.text = confirmText;

    lb.testing.confirm.acceptConfirm = true; //Restore defaults after a call
    return result;

window.alert = function (alertText) { = true;
    lb.testing.alert.text = alertText;
    return true;
Then I should see "confirm" dialog with message 
    "Are you sure you want to delete the playlist: 'TESTING PLAYLIST'?" 
    and resolve it
  • Inject a testing library that monitors javascript errors


window.onerror = function(error, url, line) {
    lb.testing.errors.push(error + ". Line: " + line);
$numErrors = $this->getSession()->evaluateScript('typeof(lb) != "undefined" 
    ? lb.testing.errors.length : 0');
  • Inject a testing library that monitors AJAX calls


$(document).on('pjax:start', function () {
    if (lb.testing.pjax.enabled && lb.testing.pjax.activeCount == undefined) {
        lb.testing.pjax.activeCount = 0;

$(document).on('pjax:end', function () {
    if (lb.testing.pjax.enabled) {

$(document).ajaxSend(function (event, jqXHR, ajaxOptions) {

$(document).ajaxComplete(function (event, jqXHR, ajaxOptions) {
    lb.testing.ajax.latestRequest = (new Date()).getTime();
And I wait for ajax calls to complete

Challenges & Solutions

Handling PJAX and
Live Dom Changes

  • In SPAs, page url and page load events are simulated and don't occur/change when you ask for a new page
  • Mink is all about immediate DOM processing and page change handling so most mink steps fail automatically because you don't know when stuff really changes...


  • Implement a completely different set of steps that use javascript to detect DOM changes


Then I should be brought to page matching "/search\?community=1"
 * @Then I should be brought to page matching :regex
 * @Then I should be brought to page matching :regex within :timeout seconds
public function shouldBeBroughtToPageRegex($regex, $timeout = self::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
        $timeout * 1000,
        "new RegExp('" . $this->locatePath($regex) . "', 'i')
            .test(window.location) == true"
        '|' . $this->locatePath($regex) . '|i');
Given I am on "/"
When X item is clicked
Then I should be on "/search?community=1"
  • Create several functions
    • shouldEventuallyContain
    • shouldEventuallyDisapear
    • etc


$countEqFunc = function () use ($element, $numberOfItems) {
 	if (count($element->findAll('css', '.selectables-container button')) 
            == $numberOfItems) {
        return true;
    return false;

if (!$element->waitFor(self::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, $countEqFunc)) {
    throw new ExpectationException("message");


public function waitFor($timeout, $callback)

    $start = microtime(true);
    $end = $start + $timeout;

    do {
        $result = call_user_func($callback, $this);

        if ($result) {

    } while (microtime(true) < $end);

    return $result;
  • A lot of functions to redefine
  • Naming convention gave us headache at first and became confusing
  • Build slowly and think about naming


Challenges & Solutions

Readability and

Change Support

  • Gherkin is hard to read if you have complex scenarios
  • Mink offers steps that read out well in KISS pages but not in complex apps
  • Gherkin can easily become tropical jungle of CSS selectors
  • Change your app's HTML/Javascript/CSS and you have to rewrite a lot of tests


  • Create more steps that better describe the actions, less CSS, more words (Widget feature traits)


When ActionsButton ".actions-widget" is clicked
Then ActionsButton ".actions-widget" should contain "Edit" action
trait ActionsButtonTrait

     * @When ActionsButton :selector is clicked
    public function actionsButtonClick($selector = null);

     * @Then ActionsButton :selector should contain :text action
    public function actionsButtonAssertHasAction($text, $selector = null);

     * @Then ActionsButton :selector should not contain :text action
    public function actionsButtonAssertDoesNotHaveAction($text, $selector = null);
  • Reuse existing mink functions when possible inside new step


And I am logged in as ""
public function loginAsUser($username)
    $this->fillField('signInEmailAddressField', $username);
    $this->fillField('signInPasswordField', 'testing-password');

public function userShouldBeLoggedIn()
    try {
        $this->elementShouldAppear('css', '#navbar', null, 25);
    } catch (ExpectationException $ex) {
        $this->assertPageNotContainsText('Could not verify your login. Please make sure you entered your details correctly.');
        throw $ex;

Challenges & Solutions

No Concept of Context

(Part 2 of readability)

  • A step doesn't affect the global scope
  • If you want easier to read code you need to keep context



Then I should see "Create Quiz"

    And BaseList ".quizzes-dashboard .base-list" should 
        contain "1" item

    And BaseList ".quizzes-dashboard .base-list" item 
        ":nth-of-type(1)" data "numberOfAssignments" should contain "0"

    And BaseList ".quizzes-dashboard .base-list" item 
        ":nth-of-type(1)" data "numberOfQuestions" should contain "5"

    And BaseList ".quizzes-dashboard .base-list" item 
        ":nth-of-type(1)" data "commands" should contain a "ActionsButton" widget

    And ActionsButton ".quizzes-dashboard .base-list:nth-of-type(1) .actions-button" 
        should not contain "Edit" action

    And ActionsButton ".quizzes-dashboard .base-list:nth-of-type(1) .actions-button" 
        should not contain "Assign" action

    When ActionsButton ".quizzes-dashboard .base-list:nth-of-type(1) .actions-button" 
        is clicked
  • Create steps that preserve context


And BaseList ".quizzes-dashboard .base-list" should contain "1" item
And BaseList item ":nth-of-type(1)" data "numberOfAssignments" should contain "0"
And BaseList item data "numberOfQuestions" should contain "5"
And BaseList item data "commands" should contain a "ActionsButton" widget
And ActionsButton should contain "Edit" action
When ActionsButton action "Edit" is clicked
//Save the current element as "BaseList"
return $this->getWidgetElement($listSelector, 'BaseList');

protected function getWidgetElement($selector, $widgetName, $inElement = null)
    if ($selector == null) {
        $element = $this->getWidgetContext($widgetName);

        return $element;
    } else {
        $element = $this->getElement('css', $selector, $inElement);
            $element->hasClass($expectedClass = $this->getWidgetClass($widgetName)),
            'Element under "' . $selector . '" found but class "' . $expectedClass . '" not found'
        $this->setWidgetContext($widgetName, $element);

        return $element;

Challenges & Solutions

World Setup / Cleanup

is Hard With Behat

  • Fact: Tests are always around preparing the world
  • Fact: No easy way to reseed or reset database


  • Gerkhin is not geared per se at fixtures or test data
  • The behat language features a few constructs that can be used for that but none are perfect for the case:
    • Table Nodes
    • Precondition steps


  • Use TableNodes


And teacher "" has the following classes:
    | className     | gradeLevel | subject |
    | Math class    | 9          | Math    |
    | Science class | 10         | Science |
 * @Given teacher :teacherEmail has the following classes:
public function createClassesForTeacher(TableNode $classData, string $teacherEmail): array //[classesRecord]
    $teacher = $this->getOrCreateTeacher($teacherEmail);
    $account = $teacher->getAccount();
    if ((int)$account->getAccountTypeID() !== accountTypesModel::TEACHER) {
        throw new Exception('referenced teacher must be a rogue teacher');
    $classes = $this->createClassesFromTableNode($classData, $account);

    foreach ($classes as $class) {
        $this->associateTeacherToClass($teacher, $class);

    return $classes;
  • Creation of pre-condition steps


Given a skeleton "teacher" with the email "" exists

Given a skeleton "teacher" with the email "" and 
    password "testpwd" exists with 60 licenses
 * @Given a skeleton :userType with the email :emailAccount and password :password exists 
 * with :numLicenses licenses
public function createSkeletonUserAccount($emailAccount, $userType, 
    $password = self::DEFAULT_PASSWORD, $numLicenses = 100)
    switch ($userType) {
        case 'teacher':
            $this->createSkeletonTeacher($emailAccount, $password, $numLicenses);
        case 'student':
            $this->createSkeletonStudent($emailAccount, $password);
        case 'school_admin':
            $this->createSkeletonSchoolAdmin($emailAccount, $password);
  • Gerkhin doesn't feature steps to cleanup or prepare the world
  • What it does have is annotation bindings:
    • @beforeSuite
    • @beforeScenario
    • @beforeStep
    • @afterStep
    • ....


  • Using hooks to handle special cases such as seeding/cleaning up


 * @BeforeSuite
 * @param \Behat\Testwork\Hook\Scope\BeforeSuiteScope $scope
public static function beforeSuite(\Behat\Testwork\Hook\Scope\BeforeSuiteScope $scope)
    $suite = $scope->getSuite();
    file_put_contents(REAL_ROOT_DIR . '/.testing', \Carbon\Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d G:i:s'));
    if (!file_exists(LOGS_DIR . "/behat-screenshots/{$suite->getName()}/")) {
        mkdir(LOGS_DIR . "/behat-screenshots/{$suite->getName()}/", 0755, true);

    // Kill the screenshots
    /** @var SplFileInfo $file */
    foreach (new DirectoryIterator(LOGS_DIR . "/behat-screenshots/{$suite->getName()}/") as $file) {
        if (substr($file->getFilename(), 0, 1) == '.') {
        echo 'Removing ' . realpath($file->getPathName()) . PHP_EOL;

  • Using hooks to handle special cases such as seeding/cleaning up


 * @BeforeScenario
 * @param \Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeScenarioScope $scope
public function before(\Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeScenarioScope $scope)
    $this->getSession()->resizeWindow(1440, 900, 'current');

    #Cookies cause issues when executing/evaluating scripts in 
    #internet explorer
  • Using hooks to handle special cases such as seeding/cleaning up


 * @AfterStep
public function afterStepTasks(\Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterStepScope $event)
    // Failed step
    if ($event->getTestResult()->getResultCode() == 
        \Behat\Testwork\Tester\Result\TestResult::FAILED) {



    // Collect and handle javascript errors
  • Using hooks to handle special cases such as seeding/cleaning up


 * @AfterScenario
 * @param \Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterScenarioScope $scope
public function after(\Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterScenarioScope $scope)
    // Make sure you can exit without getting asked if you want to leave
    $this->getSession()->executeScript('window.onbeforeunload = null;');
  • Using hooks to handle special cases such as seeding/cleaning up


 * @AfterSuite
 * @param \Behat\Testwork\Hook\Scope\AfterSuiteScope $scope
public static function afterSuite(\Behat\Testwork\Hook\Scope\AfterSuiteScope $scope)
    unlink(REAL_ROOT_DIR . '/.testing');


Mathieu Dumoulin

Senior Dev @ Learning Bird

Twitter: @thecrazycodr
LinkedIn: @crazycoders
GitHub: @crazycodr

Open source contributions

Contact me

Standard-Exceptions 2.0: GitHub

Building Behat tests like a pro

By Mathieu Dumoulin

Building Behat tests like a pro

Behat is a great tool when it comes to testing pages with javascript because it gives you a great base framework mostly when you use the Mink extensions. This talk will show the different challenges we had to solve around our SPA at Learning Bird and the kind of structure we had to adopt to create beautiful and readable tests.

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