Wurkr is the world’s most immersive and engaging video platform that replicates your physical office - online! You can communicate and work with your distributed or remote colleagues visibly and in real-time wherever they may be.
Today we know teleworking, coworking, or the flex office. But soon it may well be that your workspace becomes a 100% online virtual office.
The main benefit of having a Virtual Workspace is the simplification of IT management, in addition to increasing the flexibility and productivity of company workers.
Virtual Office Softwares associated with the world of work have made it no longer essential to spend time in the office to work productively.
Virtual offices and business addresses are not strictly useful for freelancers and lone rangers, but can also be interesting for managing a team of remote workers through these services.
Businesses that operate in a virtual workspace environment can focus their efforts on hiring the best person for the job, regardless of where they live.
Virtual Workspace allows better planning of the development of the company. Progressive growth benefits from the fact that the organization is not tied to a physical space and certain dimensions.
But, over time, it was shown that this lack of supervision was not what it appeared to be and that, more than a disadvantage, the Virtual Workspace environment offered many advantages.
Virtual workplace solutions consist of creating a virtual or software-based representation of physical entities; for example from applications, servers, networks, and storage.
The Wurkr online work space is ideal for small businesses but also for large companies, as well as for all those people who run their business from home but are interested in working in a more professional environment.
If you are looking for the best virtual workplace solutions, then the Wurkr workplace is the virtual and modern version of the traditional workplace.
The virtual office or workspace is an innovative and practical solution to guarantee the good management of your files while maintaining a high level of security.