• Segures a Internet

    La tecnologia esta evolucionant molt rĂ pidament. Tant, que no tenim temps a adaptar-nos a tot el que els nous contexts que crea. Anem a veure a quins riscs i perills ens exposem al conviure amb la tecnologia, i especialment, a Internet.

  • Introduction to Service Meshes with Istio and Kiali

    Industry is moving into microservices architectures from monolith ones. Hence, security concerns are changing due to this paradigm change. Let's see what Istio and Kiali provide to address those security issues.

  • Leveraging security to the Service Mesh with Istio and Kiali - simple

    Industry is moving into microservices architectures from monolith ones. Hence, security concerns are changing due to this paradigm change. Let's see what Istio and Kiali provide to address those security issues.

  • Leveraging security to the Service Mesh with Istio and Kiali

    Industry is moving into microservices architectures from monolith ones. Hence, security concerns are changing due to this paradigm change. Let's see what Istio and Kiali provide to address those security issues.

  • La TV ha mort