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  • Multi-agent systems & complex reasoning

    Explore the fascinating interplay between multi-agent systems, human learning, and the evolution of society. Discover how artificial general intelligence emerges from complex reasoning and the role of large language models in shaping our understanding of intelligence.

  • Rethinking Colors in Design Systems: A CSS Approach to Idiomatic Design

    Rethinking Colors in Design Systems: A CSS Approach to Idiomatic Design” presents an innovative perspective on color management in design systems, aiming to simplify and enhance the developer experience. This talk focuses on the problematic aspects of current design systems, such as confusing color naming conventions and overly extensive color palettes, that make the development process complex and counterproductive. Armagan advocates for a refined approach that leverages CSS’s power to make color implementation more idiomatic and intuitive, hence streamlining the development process. The ultimate goal of a design system should be to facilitate ease in development, not to provide a baffling array of options that distract from the core coding task. The presentation introduces strategies to create a more functional, efficient, and developer-friendly environment. We emphasize limiting the options for colors, not to limit creativity, but to allow developers and designers to focus on the essence of their work—coding and designing. Join Armagan as he dives into how we can revolutionize our approach to colors in design systems and take a significant step towards a more effective and streamlined developer experience.

  • A path to AGI: autonomous, collaborative multi-agent systems

    In this talk, Armağan Amcalar addresses the transformative journey toward Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) through autonomous, collaborative multi-agent systems. Drawing from his extensive experience in developing and applying these systems, Armağan will explore how independent agents can work together, learn from each other, and adapt to complex environments to achieve common goals. Participants will gain insights into the latest developments, challenges faced, and future directions in this dynamic field, understanding how collaborative multi-agent systems pave the way for the next generation of intelligent machines. Join us to explore the potential and complexities of these systems in the pursuit of AGI.

  • Rethinking Colors in Design Systems: A CSS Approach to Idiomatic Design

    Rethinking Colors in Design Systems: A CSS Approach to Idiomatic Design” presents an innovative perspective on color management in design systems, aiming to simplify and enhance the developer experience. This talk focuses on the problematic aspects of current design systems, such as confusing color naming conventions and overly extensive color palettes, that make the development process complex and counterproductive. Armagan advocates for a refined approach that leverages CSS’s power to make color implementation more idiomatic and intuitive, hence streamlining the development process. The ultimate goal of a design system should be to facilitate ease in development, not to provide a baffling array of options that distract from the core coding task. The presentation introduces strategies to create a more functional, efficient, and developer-friendly environment. We emphasize limiting the options for colors, not to limit creativity, but to allow developers and designers to focus on the essence of their work—coding and designing. Join Armagan as he dives into how we can revolutionize our approach to colors in design systems and take a significant step towards a more effective and streamlined developer experience.

  • Vuelve Vue 2! A Critical Look at the Composition API in Vue 3

    This talk will begin with a brief introduction to the Composition API in Vue 3 and will show examples of how it compares to the Options API in Vue 2. We will then look at definitions of imperative and declarative programming in the context of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. In the second part of the talk, I will argue that Vue 3 Composition API is a step backwards in the library’s programming model. This talk will introduce you to Vuelve, an open-source library I wrote to enhance the imperative programming model of Vue 3 with a declarative syntax similar to Vue 2. Finally, I will give some examples of how this results in less code, and an easier-to-understand mental model.

  • Reactivity in Vanilla JS with Regie: A New State of Play

    Bu oturumda, framework’lere ihtiyaç duymadan reaktif uygulamaların nasıl oluşturulabileceğini keşfedeceğiz. Regie, Vanilla JS projeleri için geliştirilmiş, kullanımı kolay ve etkili bir state management kütüphanesidir. Gerçek dünya senaryolarından alınmış örneklerle, Regie’nin arkasındaki mekanizmayı ve nasıl işlediğini derinlemesine inceleyeceğiz. Kod örnekleri aracılığıyla, bu kütüphanenin temellerini ve geliştirme sürecinde nasıl önemli bir fark yaratabileceğini anlayacağız. Katılımcılar, reaktivite konusunda bilgi sahibi olacaklar ve framework'lerden bağımsız bir uygulamanın nasıl geliştirilebileceğini öğrenecekler.

  • Code, Play and Rock 'n' Roll: A WebAudio Experiment

    Armagan hits the “stage” with a guitar, playing memorable tunes and a web browser as an amplifier. This talk is about pushing the limits of what a web browser can do, and goes over pedalboard.js, an open source JavaScript framework for building real-time guitar effects in the browser. Demonstrating both code and music, talking a little bit about math and signal processing, Armagan paints a picture of the current state of the web and how capable it is as a platform. He then goes on to present a way to make a collaborative music session using pedalboard.js over WebRTC, so people can play along with friends in real-time even if they are miles away.

  • From Ideation to Creation: Designing Your Own AI Assistant

  • 2002’ymiş gibi yazılım geliştirin

  • Building and deploying Next.js applications with Docker

    Next.js is a popular choice when it comes to building server-side rendered frontend applications with React. With static site generation and extensive suite of development tools, Next.js offers an end-to-end solution. In this talk Armagan will go over the steps you need to follow to use Next.js in Docker to enable a consistent development and deployment experience, including development Docker images for local application development and highly optimized production Docker images for deployment.

  • Clean Cloud

    As an industry we have only a handful of proven best practices compared to more established fields of engineering. A set of these practices now make the rounds as “Clean Code” and “Clean Architecture”, as made famous by Robert C. Martin. But our struggles and our fights have moved on since this move—it’s now the age of the Cloud. Join Armagan in this talk and take your first step into Clean Cloud, a set of architectural patterns and best practices for cloud applications. Together, let’s find out how our collective experience will guide us about the future of code.

  • Five rules of Microservices

    The concept of microservices is extremely hot. Unfortunately, we see a lot of ideas from the past rebranded as microservices; whereas the thinking behind microservices imply and promise a bigger change. This talk will go over the details of what actually makes a microservices architecture and how other distributed systems — that rely on queues and other mechanisms to function — fail to fulfill the promise. A modern microservices implementation should be; * Zero-configuration * Highly-redundant * Fault-tolerant * Self-healing * Auto-discovery We will specifically focus on such an implementation with Docker and cote, a Node.js library.

  • WTM Berlin Public Speaking Workshop pt 1—You should give a talk this year

    Participating in conferences and learning from experts is great, but as a community we are missing a lot when it’s the same faces every year, everywhere. We have to do our best to include everyone from a diverse background as speakers and learn from their experiences. This talk will prove you have what it takes to become a speaker yourself, and will give you practical advice to start your career as a speaker. We will talk about overcoming the impostor syndrome and eliminating self-doubt like “I don’t know what to talk about” and “I can’t talk in front of people”. This is a fun, inspiring talk, and by the end of it you will discover the super-hero speaker in you, bursting already with ideas for your first talk.

  • MIDI: A new dimension in controlling your browser

    Gone are the days of knobs and buttons, or tactile controls. But are you really limited to a keyboard and a trackpad or a mouse, or could physical controls enable better control of your software? This talk builds up on Web MIDI API, demonstrating how physical interaction with browser software enables greater control. An online image editor, a software instrument, and a Snake game are demonstrated on stage as examples of applications that can benefit from extended physical control. And the best part is, everything happens in JavaScript and in your browser.

  • The Human Side of Microservices

    “organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations” — Melvin Conway, 1968 Microservices is an architectural shift, a huge topic that demands change in every aspect of software delivery. It is also more than a technical problem — your microservices architecture can be as solid and efficient as your team communication. This talk tries to describe the human aspect of implementing a microservices approach, and how this affects team communication.

  • console.log(brain)

    What is the ultimate hack of our lives? What is the one thing that we strive to learn the most about? What is the thing that will truly unlock our potential? This talk is a demonstration of an open-source Brain-Computer Interface that is completely developed with JavaScript, from the ground up, using neural networks and signal processing. Armagan hits the stage with a wireless EEG headset, shows how to read signals from the brain in JavaScript using native C++ Node.js modules over USB, and the implementation in Electron. We go into the detail of how this is possible with current JavaScript technologies, Node.js, Electron and Vue. A little bit of signal processing, a little bit of neural networks, and a demo of code and action follows. The beginners will be in awe when they see what they can do with JavaScript, the advanced users will learn a new field of application. The goal is to underline that JavaScript is not only for websites but is actually the coolest thing ever.

  • The Human Side of Microservices

    “organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations” — Melvin Conway, 1968 Microservices is an architectural shift, a huge topic that demands change in every aspect of software delivery. It is also more than a technical problem — your microservices architecture can be as solid and efficient as your team communication. This talk tries to describe the human aspect of implementing a microservices approach, and how this affects team communication.

  • WTM Public Speaking Workshop pt 3—Write and present your talk

    Participating in conferences and learning from experts is great, but as a community we are missing a lot when it’s the same faces every year, everywhere. We have to do our best to include everyone from a diverse background as speakers and learn from their experiences. This talk will prove you have what it takes to become a speaker yourself, and will give you practical advice to start your career as a speaker. We will talk about overcoming the impostor syndrome and eliminating self-doubt like “I don’t know what to talk about” and “I can’t talk in front of people”. This is a fun, inspiring talk, and by the end of it you will discover the super-hero speaker in you, bursting already with ideas for your first talk.

  • WTM Public Speaking Workshop pt 1—You should give a talk this year

    Participating in conferences and learning from experts is great, but as a community we are missing a lot when it’s the same faces every year, everywhere. We have to do our best to include everyone from a diverse background as speakers and learn from their experiences. This talk will prove you have what it takes to become a speaker yourself, and will give you practical advice to start your career as a speaker. We will talk about overcoming the impostor syndrome and eliminating self-doubt like “I don’t know what to talk about” and “I can’t talk in front of people”. This is a fun, inspiring talk, and by the end of it you will discover the super-hero speaker in you, bursting already with ideas for your first talk.

  • console.log(brain)

    What is the ultimate hack of our lives? What is the one thing that we strive to learn the most about? What is the thing that will truly unlock our potential? This talk is a demonstration of an open-source Brain-Computer Interface that is completely developed with JavaScript, from the ground up, using neural networks and signal processing. Armagan hits the stage with a wireless EEG headset, shows how to read signals from the brain in JavaScript using native C++ Node.js modules over USB, and the implementation in Electron. We go into the detail of how this is possible with current JavaScript technologies, Node.js, Electron and Vue. A little bit of signal processing, a little bit of neural networks, and a demo of code and action follows. The beginners will be in awe when they see what they can do with JavaScript, the advanced users will learn a new field of application. The goal is to underline that JavaScript is not only for websites but is actually the coolest thing ever.

  • console.log(brain)

    What is the ultimate hack of our lives? What is the one thing that we strive to learn the most about? What is the thing that will truly unlock our potential? This talk is a demonstration of an open-source Brain-Computer Interface that is completely developed with JavaScript, from the ground up, using neural networks and signal processing. Armagan hits the stage with a wireless EEG headset, shows how to read signals from the brain in JavaScript using native C++ Node.js modules over USB, and the implementation in Electron. We go into the detail of how this is possible with current JavaScript technologies, Node.js, Electron and Vue. A little bit of signal processing, a little bit of neural networks, and a demo of code and action follows. The beginners will be in awe when they see what they can do with JavaScript, the advanced users will learn a new field of application. The goal is to underline that JavaScript is not only for websites but is actually the coolest thing ever.

  • Conquer your impostor syndrome with JavaScript

    “Impostor syndrome can be defined as a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist even in face of information that indicates that the opposite is true. It is experienced internally as chronic self-doubt, and feelings of intellectual fraudulence.” — Caltech Counseling Center Have you just started your development career and you are overwhelmed by how little you know? Are you a seasoned veteran but you secretly fear that it’s a matter of time before you lose your edge in this fast-paced industry? If the answer is yes, you may be suffering from the impostor syndrome, and you are not alone. Let Armagan walk you through his own story of overcoming the impostor syndrome, and learn how JavaScript is a vital tool in helping you build not only apps but also confidence. In this keynote, Armagan will present a variety of applications you can build by only knowing JavaScript. Whether it’s a futuristic brain-computer interface, musical instruments, or a whole new way of interacting with your computer; JavaScript lets you build your dream in the most concise way possible and it will be your best ally in battling the impostor syndrome.

  • Accessible Microservices with Node.js and Docker Ecosystem

    The concept of microservices is extremely hot. Unfortunately, we see a lot of ideas from the past rebranded as microservices; whereas the thinking behind microservices imply and promise a bigger change. This talk will go over the details of what actually makes a microservices architecture and how other distributed systems — that rely on queues and other mechanisms to function — fail to fulfill the promise. A modern microservices implementation should be; * Zero-configuration * Highly-redundant * Fault-tolerant * Self-healing * Auto-discovery We will specifically focus on such an implementation with Docker and cote, a Node.js library.

  • It is already the future and JavaScript lets you type with your brain signals

    What is the ultimate hack of our lives? What is the one thing that we strive to learn the most about? What is the thing that will truly unlock our potential? This talk is a demonstration of an open-source Brain-Computer Interface that is completely developed with JavaScript, from the ground up, using neural networks and signal processing. Armagan hits the stage with a wireless EEG headset, shows how to read signals from the brain in JavaScript using native C++ Node.js modules over USB, and the implementation in Electron. We go into the detail of how this is possible with current JavaScript technologies, Node.js, Electron and Vue. A little bit of signal processing, a little bit of neural networks, and a demo of code and action follows. The beginners will be in awe when they see what they can do with JavaScript, the advanced users will learn a new field of application. The goal is to underline that JavaScript is not only for websites but is actually the coolest thing ever.

  • The Human Side of Microservices

    “organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations” — Melvin Conway, 1968 Microservices is an architectural shift, a huge topic that demands change in every aspect of software delivery. It is also more than a technical problem — your microservices architecture can be as solid and efficient as your team communication. This talk tries to describe the human aspect of implementing a microservices approach, and how this affects team communication.

  • Brain: The ultimate hack

    What is the ultimate hack of our lives? What is the one thing that we strive to learn the most about? What is the thing that will truly unlock our potential? This talk is a demonstration of an open-source Brain-Computer Interface that is completely developed with JavaScript, from the ground up, using neural networks and signal processing. Armagan hits the stage with a wireless EEG headset, shows how to read signals from the brain in JavaScript using native C++ Node.js modules over USB, and the implementation in Electron. We go into the detail of how this is possible with current JavaScript technologies, Node.js, Electron and Vue. A little bit of signal processing, a little bit of neural networks, and a demo of code and action follows. The beginners will be in awe when they see what they can do with JavaScript, the advanced users will learn a new field of application. The goal is to underline that JavaScript is not only for websites but is actually the coolest thing ever.

  • Design Patterns

    An introduction to popular software design patterns and how they can be utilized with JavaScript. In this session, we talk about what a design pattern is, what anti-patterns are, how they emerge and when to make use of one. We talk about some of the Gang of Four patterns and their applications.

  • Code, Play and Rock 'n' Roll: A WebAudio Experiment

    Armagan hits the “stage” with a guitar, playing memorable tunes and a web browser as an amplifier. This talk is about pushing the limits of what a web browser can do, and goes over pedalboard.js, an open source JavaScript framework for building real-time guitar effects in the browser. Demonstrating both code and music, talking a little bit about math and signal processing, Armagan paints a picture of the current state of the web and how capable it is as a platform. He then goes on to present a way to make a collaborative music session using pedalboard.js over WebRTC, so people can play along with friends in real-time even if they are miles away.

  • Microservices made easy with cote.js

    The concept of microservices is extremely hot. Unfortunately, we see a lot of ideas from the past rebranded as microservices; whereas the thinking behind microservices imply and promise a bigger change. This talk will go over the details of what actually makes a microservices architecture and how other distributed systems — that rely on queues and other mechanisms to function — fail to fulfill the promise. A modern microservices implementation should be; * Zero-configuration * Highly-redundant * Fault-tolerant * Self-healing * Auto-discovery We will specifically focus on such an implementation with Docker and cote, a Node.js library.

  • Brain: The ultimate hack

    What is the ultimate hack of our lives? What is the one thing that we strive to learn the most about? What is the thing that will truly unlock our potentials? This talk is a demonstration of an open-source Brain-Computer Interface that is completely developed with JavaScript, from the ground up, using neural networks and signal processing. The speaker hits the stage with a wireless EEG headset, shows how to read signals from the brain in JavaScript using native C++ Node.js modules over USB, and the implementation in Electron, including tweeting with brain signals.

  • Next Generation Microservices with cote

    The concept of microservices is a hot one and it attracts developers from a diverse background. Unfortunately, we’re seeing a lot of ideas from the past rebranded in the present as microservices. However, the thinking behind microservices implies and promises a bigger change than what we are seeing. This talk will go over the details of what actually makes a microservices architecture and how other distributed systems – systems which rely on queues and other mechanisms to function – fail to fulfill the promise. A modern microservices implementation should have the following characteristics: * Zero-configuration * Highly-redundant * Fault-tolerant * Self-healing * Auto-discovery This talk will present how such a system can be realised using Node.js and Docker.

  • Mindset, infrastructural and organizational changes to adapt to microservices

    Microservices are taking the world by storm and it's more than just an architecture — in order to fully function, microservices approach needs a transformation in your development teams and total commitment to several best practices: * Change. Change is inevitable. Code, dependencies, deployment and release processes will change. * DevOps. Developers will own the release and every Middle step has to be automated and kept in code. * Eliminating hierarchy within the team and increasing autonomy. This talk will go into detail on what you need to change in order to properly adopt microservices in terms of mindset, infrastructural and organizational changes as well as the benefits that will be obtained as a result of such changes. The lessons are learnt the hard way and this talk is based on a true story — the transformation of development teams at unu GmbH.

  • Code, Play and Rock 'n' Roll: A WebAudio Experiment

    Armagan hits the “stage” with a guitar, playing memorable tunes on a Fender and a web browser as an amplifier. This talk is about pushing the limits of what a web browser can do, and goes over pedalboard.js, an open source JavaScript framework for building real-time guitar effects in the browser. Demonstrating both code and music, talking a little bit about math and signal processing, Armagan paints a picture of the current state of the web and how capable it is as a platform. He then goes on to present a way to make a collaborative music session using pedalboard.js over WebRTC, so people can play along with friends in real-time even if they are miles away.

  • Next Generation Microservices with Node.js and Docker

    The concept of microservices is a hot one and it attracts developers from a diverse background. Unfortunately, we’re seeing a lot of ideas from the past rebranded in the present as microservices. However, the thinking behind microservices implies and promises a bigger change than what we are seeing. This talk will go over the details of what actually makes a microservices architecture and how other distributed systems – systems which rely on queues and other mechanisms to function – fail to fulfill the promise. A modern microservices implementation should have the following characteristics: * Zero-configuration * Highly-redundant * Fault-tolerant * Self-healing * Auto-discovery This talk will present how such a system can be realised using Node.js and Docker.

  • Lessons to build your software career: The Secret of Miyagi

    This talk investigates the master – apprentice relationship of fictional yet very inspiring heroes, Miyagi and Daniel, from the movie Karate Kid in a software engineering perspective. Armagan talks about software craftsmanship and gives concrete examples on how engineers should shape their software careers. What is craftsmanship? How does it apply to software engineering? How can we improve our self-learning skills? How can we help junior developers and speed up their learning? In this talk, Armagan goes over various teachings from the 80’s movie Karate Kid, relating them to concrete problems software engineers face in their daily lives. The attendees will instantly recognize the references and how the teachings will apply to their lives. It’s an intriguing and fun presentation and at the end, the attendees will leave with solid best practices for improving engineering skills. Team leaders, lead developers and managers will learn how to properly assist and guide professional development of their junior team members, and junior developers will learn how to embrace apprenticeship in order to steadily improve their craft.

  • Mindset, infrastructural and organizational changes to adapt to microservices

    Microservices are taking the world by storm and it's more than just an architecture — in order to fully function, microservices approach needs a transformation in your development teams and total commitment to several best practices: * Change. Change is inevitable. Code, dependencies, deployment and release processes will change. * DevOps. Developers will own the release and every Middle step has to be automated and kept in code. * Eliminating hierarchy within the team and increasing autonomy. This talk will go into detail on what you need to change in order to properly adopt microservices in terms of mindset, infrastructural and organizational changes as well as the benefits that will be obtained as a result of such changes. The lessons are learnt the hard way and this talk is based on a true story — the transformation of development teams at unu GmbH.

  • Zero-configuration Microservices with Node.js and Docker

    The concept of microservices is a hot one and it attracts developers from a diverse background. Unfortunately, we’re seeing a lot of ideas from the past rebranded in the present as microservices. However, the thinking behind microservices implies and promises a bigger change than what we are seeing. This talk will go over the details of what actually makes a microservices architecture and how other distributed systems – systems which rely on queues and other mechanisms to function – fail to fulfill the promise. A modern microservices implementation should have the following characteristics: * Zero-configuration * Highly-redundant * Fault-tolerant * Self-healing * Auto-discovery This talk will present how such a system can be realised using Node.js and Docker.

  • Miyagi'nin Sırrı

    Yazılım ustalığı ve yazılım zanaati eğitimi oldukça meşakkatli bir yolculuktur. Bu konuşmada usta Miyagi'nin felsefesinden örneklerle yazılım ustalığı eğitiminin problemlerini ele alacağız.

  • Zero-configuration Microservices with Node.js and Docker

    Microservices are taking the world by storm but it implies more than what is currently marketed. This talk details how a proper microservices architecture should work: zero-configuration, highly-redundant, fault-tolerant, self-healing mechanism with auto-discovery. Such an implementation with Docker and Node.js is shown, where the principles are applicable to any modern language.

  • Building great teams

    In this talk, Armagan shares his experience in team building for maximum employee tenure and minimum turnover in technology.

  • Zero-configuration Microservices with Node.js and Docker

    Microservices are taking the world by storm but it implies more than what is currently marketed. This talk details how a proper microservices architecture should work: zero-configuration, highly-redundant, fault-tolerant, self-healing mechanism with auto-discovery. Such an implementation with Docker and Node.js is shown, where the principles are applicable to any modern language.

  • GUI Architectures

  • UI Development Concepts

  • Introduction to IT537

  • Building and shipping effortless microservices with Node.js and Docker Cloud

    Docker made developers’ lives easy. With the help of Docker Cloud, it’s now a breeze to run and scale any application. Armagan Amcalar will talk about building Dockerized microservices with Node.js and shipping and maintaining them in production with Docker Cloud. The talk will feature a pragmatic live demo on getting hands-on with these technologies.

  • Streamlining Development Processes with Microservices

    In a world where consistent and timely delivery is everything, we not only look for organizational and management solutions like Agile & Scrum, but we also explore architectural alternatives to improve our efficiency in delivery. In this talk, Armagan will talk about the best practices of microservices architecture and the devops approach. He will present concrete steps on how to transform the development team and processes accordingly to improve overall efficiency in the team.

  • Developing Real-Life, Real-Time Microservices Apps with Node.js

    In this talk, Armagan will demo an e-commerce application built with microservices in Node.js, using an open-source Node.js library called cote.

  • Automating Microservices Applications with Docker Cloud

    In this talk, Armagan will demo building and scaling Node.js microservices applications with Docker Cloud, using an open-source Node.js library called cote.

  • Node.js Microservices with Docker Cloud

    In this talk, Armagan will demo building and scaling Node.js microservices applications with Docker Cloud, using an open-source Node.js library called cote.

  • Implementing Microsevices with cote.js

    In this talk, Armagan will talk about the microservices architecture and its implementation using an open-source library cote.js.