Armagan Amcalar
Women Techmakers Berlin
September 10th, 2018

Public speaking workshop pt 3

You should give a talk this year!

Who am I?

Armagan Amcalar
Head of Software Engineering @ unu GmbH
Founder @ Lonca Works

     dashersw            dashersw


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It's all about making a difference

Emerging Technology

Transformation Through Tech

Creating Better Experiences

Teaching and Learning

People and Community



We'll submit papers to


Tips and tricks for writing

You have a story to tell...


WHAT are you talking about?

WHY should they listen to this talk?

HOW will they benefit from it?

Ask questions
Pique interest
Underline this is something nobody thought of

Be you, be authentic, be unique

​Allow yourself to experiment



No agenda slides
Start with a premise
Tell a story, even though it's technical
Do live demos, do them well. Prepare for the failure scenario
People can read code faster than you can type
Talk in their level
Variations of a talk according to time / audience
Cultural differences between audiences


The same talk can be 5 seconds, 5 minutes, 25 minutes, or two hours long


A Typical outline

State a problem

State a premise

State a solution

Why does that solution work for that problem?

Show that it works

State the premise again

Wrap up


The same talk can be 5 seconds, 5 minutes, 25 minutes, or two hours


Building outlines

Allow yourself to experiment

Write down everything you want to tell

It's important to write everything down. Doesn't matter if you throw away half of them later.

Group your points

Order your groups

Make a story out of them — create a flow

Slides are parts of the same flow, they are not jumps to different topics


Use a mind map tool if you like:


Preparation for the speech

Mirror practice
Recording practice

Giving the talk to peers
Writing your speech down


The big day

There's no turning back, you signed up for this.

Act on stage. You are practically unidentified, you can play any character you like.



The big day

There's no turning back, you signed up for this. It might be another you, but it was you.

Act on stage. You are practically unidentified, you can play any character you like. Play an enthusiastic expert. It's still you!


There's no point in fighting stage fright. What you refer to as fright is actually a pretty useful hormone: adrenaline. Use it.


Water is your best friend. Drink irresponsibly.

You are an expert in this topic. You already proved yourself about it.

The audience is not a committee of experts to judge you.

If you make a mistake, roll with it. 90% of the audience didn't notice anyway.


During practice

During concert 

thank you!

Let's keep in touch!

Armagan Amcalar

Please fill our feedback form:


get these slides at:

WTM Public Speaking Workshop pt 3—Write and present your talk

By Armağan Amcalar

WTM Public Speaking Workshop pt 3—Write and present your talk

Participating in conferences and learning from experts is great, but as a community we are missing a lot when it’s the same faces every year, everywhere. We have to do our best to include everyone from a diverse background as speakers and learn from their experiences. This talk will prove you have what it takes to become a speaker yourself, and will give you practical advice to start your career as a speaker. We will talk about overcoming the impostor syndrome and eliminating self-doubt like “I don’t know what to talk about” and “I can’t talk in front of people”. This is a fun, inspiring talk, and by the end of it you will discover the super-hero speaker in you, bursting already with ideas for your first talk.

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