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All decks 16
  • The Power of Observability in API-Driven Applications

    It's a common tale amongst software engineers today about how the smallest technical error or decision can lead to significant business implications and a truckload of customer support requests. This usually calls for utilizing solid strategies to improve engineering systems and workflows. While strategies like stress testing, e2e testing, etc. are great for catching issues before they get into production, what if we could catch even more live from users' requests with detailed information on where and how the issue occurred, especially in cases where all internal checks fail or a new unexpected issue comes up, or even when a silent error sneaks into production? In this talk, Bolaji will discuss the rapid evolution of observability in API-driven applications and how engineers can more easily than before, monitor and observe the APIs and external APIs they depend on, allowing them to swiftly identify, reproduce, and fix different kinds of errors or performance issues as they happen, thereby improving customer support resolution, preserving revenue, and maximizing shareholder value. Check out APItoolkit:

  • Anatomy of the Web and Version Control

    The World Wide Web (WWW) is an information system enabling documents and other web resources to be accessed over the Internet. This workshop will introduce you to how the internet works, the anatomy of websites, and how to version control software code with Git and GitHub. The workshop was first delivered at Thomas Adewumi University's Software Engineering BootCamp 2022.

  • Building Reusable UI Components in Isolation

    In this talk, Bolaji will demonstrate how to develop, explore different states, and test UI components interactively outside of your application without worrying about project dependencies and requirements. You'll also learn how to use tools like Storybook and Bit to share and manage these components across several projects and apps.

  • Building Composable Commerce on the Cloud for Emerging Markets

    According to Adobe Digital Economy Index, global ecommerce sales are expected to hit $5.5 trillion in 2022 and 76% of adults in the United States shop online. In addition, more technologies are emerging this year, more online stores are springing up, and customers are making purchases on an increasing number of devices. As a result, businesses must keep up with evolving technology, competition, and demands. Failure to meet these demands will result in unhappy developers and consumers, influencing conversions, sales, and revenue. In this talk, Bolaji will discuss the rapid evolution of digital commerce and introduce how composable commerce APIs are enabling better developer/customer experience and the rise of micro-frontends—a technology design strategy that holistically isolates services used in an ecommerce tech stack, from back to frontend, enabling developer teams to specialize within organizations and optimize their agile development processes.

  • The State of Open Source in Africa

  • Building Community is Investing in the Future

    Community is a force that powers the development and growth of individuals in several sectors of society. Over time several people take it upon themselves to lead others and build a shared space for everyone to thrive. Little did those “several peoples” know that their current actions are investments that will yield solid ROI for themselves and the people they lead in the future. In this talk, we’d talk about communities, why community builders are superheroes, and what this means for the future.

  • Community Powered Open Source in Africa

    In this talk, you'll learn about building open source communities and activities that support the people behind open source in Africa and enabling them to thrive.

  • Jamstack eCommerce 101 Workshop

    Digital commerce has changed, and there is an increasing demand for faster and kite efficient solutions. In this workshop, you'll learn about the evolution of ecommerce and how Jamstack and headless commerce evolves shopping experiences on the web. We will explore the basics of headless commerce by building a minimal Jamstack ecommerce product page with static content, HTML5, CSS, and Javascript. Finally, we will integrate Commerce Layer for headless commerce capabilities and deploy our application to Netlify.

  • Headless Commerce done right, with Commerce Layer

    In this talk, Bolaji will introduce you to the challenges with traditional commerce, how headless commerce solves those challenges, and how Commerce Layer supercharges your digital experiences.

  • Beyond The Editor: Automating Your Writing Process

    In this talk, Bolaji will introduce the audience to technical writing and how to go beyond just "writing" to automating their writing processes resulting in more efficiency.

  • Optimizing Content Management with the Headless CMS

    In this talk, Bolaji will show you how content management can be optimized using the headless CMS to ensure the reusability of content across several digital platforms (web, mobile, smartwatches, VR headsets or home assistants).

  • The Growth Mindset, Dealing with Intelligence, Imposter Syndrome and Personal Growth

    In this talk, I would go over the concepts of the growth mindset and the fixed, the differences between both advantages of the growth mindset, how to effectively build a growth mindset, and why it is important as a developer towards achieving personal growth.

  • Harnessing the power of the JAMstack with a Headless CMS

    Unlike traditional websites that rely heavily on servers, plugins and databases, JAMstack can load JavaScript that receives data from an API and generates markup using a static site generator during deploy time. In this talk, Bolaji will show you how content management can be made easier across all platforms with a Headless CMS.

  • Effective Documentation: The Key to Open Source Growth

    In this talk, Bolaji will introduce you to unique documentation strategies that will enable you to create good, timely, useful, accurate and sustainable documentation alongside explaining the benefits of these strategies, and how you can build a documentation community around your contributors.

  • Introduction to Open Source

    Open Source refers to any software or program whose source code is made available for use or modification as users or other developers see fit. Contributing to open source is very exciting; it can be a rewarding way to learn, teach, and build experience in just about any skill you can imagine. In this talk, Bolaji will show you what open source means, the benefits, how to get started as a maintainer or contributor, how to build a community around your project, and best practices for maintainers and contributors.

  • Version Control with Git and GitHub

    Introduction to version control, version control systems, Git and GitHub plus practical usage, code, tips, and resources.