Lịch sử Thư viện Việt Nam: Xây dựng và sử dụng những thư viện Việt Nam (1887-1986)
Đề cương nghiên cứu luận án tiến sĩ khoa lịch sử của nghiên cứu sinh Nguyễn Cindy
Building the Library: Builders and Users of the Vietnamese Libraries (1887-1986)
A research summary of the Ph.D. in history dissertation of Cindy A. Nguyen
Deconstructing Libraries
Hold on a sec, let's think this through
Memory, History, & War
Presentation: Decolonization of Libraries & Information in Vietnam
Wikipedia &
Decolonization of Libraries & Information in Vietnam
A Historical Introduction to the Encyclopédie
History 116D: Mao
Fall 2014 History 111C Slides
Instructional Technology: What's Markers Got to Do With It?
How do ‘digital’ activities compare to ‘analog’ activities in your classroom? What type of things are better off using one or the other, or both? This is a five minute talk where I share my experience teaching with both. Video of presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alnuxdUlcSQ
Graphs, Maps, Trees
Les vestiges
UMEDH Historical Data