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Theorizing Methods & Scholarly Production in the Digital Humanities
Cindy A. Nguyen
History PhD. Student | @cindyanguyen
"This Digital Humanities Which Is Not One" by JAMIE “SKYE” BIANCO
Debates in the Digital Humanities, 2013 Open Access Edition
Postcolonial Digital Humanities Website and Mission Statement
What do we gain and what do we lose from ‘mapping’ diasporas?
colonial documentation
the digital humanities which is not one
Luce Irigaray’s famous feminist essay and book, This Sex Which Is Not One, wherein “one” is defined as “the universal standard and privileged form in our systems of representation, oneness expresses the requirements for unitary representations of signification and identity. Within such a system, in which the masculine standard takes itself as a universal, it would be impossible to represent the duality or plurality of the female [or any other] sex” (Irigarary, 221).
James "Skye" Bianco
monuments of significance
Michel Foucault, Archaeology of Knowledge
“History is the work expended on material documentation (books, texts, accounts, registers, acts, buildings, institutions, laws, techniques, objects, customs, etc.) that exists, in very time and place, in every society…in our time, history is that which transforms documents into monuments…in our time, history aspires to the condition of archaeology, to the intrinsic description of the monument."
what do we gain/lose/learn/understand from 'mapping' diasporas
Vietnamese intellectual networks database
VIND provides detailed data regarding key Vietnamese intellectuals, their geographic movement, and their intellectual networks. Based on primary and secondary sources, the database seeks to highlight the historical nuances of each trip by charting modes of transit, activities in situ, and engagements between intellectuals. This data could then be cross-referenced and plotted against any number of different spatial metrics, statistical data, or known transportation and communication networks. This data will also be used to produce rich network and geographic visualizations and will contribute new perspectives to Vietnamese and East Asian regional history.
nuanced explorations
Hold on a sec, let's think this through
By Cindy A. Nguyen
Hold on a sec, let's think this through
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