• Week 2: Steps in the Machine Learning Process

  • Week 1: Introduction to Machine Learning for Designers, Engineers, and Product Managers

  • Random Forests

    An introduction to random forests for engineers

  • Explaining machineJS To My Parents Part 3: Training, Tuning, Selecting, and Validating Algorithms

    What goes into finding your ideal machine learning algorithm?

  • Explaining machineJS To My Parents Part 2: Data Formatting

    Or, "why can't we just get into the fun part yet? Why do we have to mess around with the data beforehand?"

  • explaining machineJS to My Parents Part 1: What is Machine Learning?

    My parents are awesome. But they don't know much about machine learning. Yet.

  • Common Paths Into Data Science

    Descriptions of different paths into data science and machine learning.

  • curriculumForLearningMachineLearning

    A curriculum for getting started with machine learning and data science.

  • How to stand out during your first few weeks on the job

    Some tips from a manager on how to make your first weeks in a new role unusually successful.

  • Algorithms! - w/ Josh's additions

  • Algorithms Practice

    Here are a bunch of examples we can work through to become more familiar with thinking algorithmically

  • Pseudocode

    An intro to pseudocoding for Telegraph Prep

  • Debugging

    An intro to debugging for Telegraph Prep

  • Algorithms!

  • How To Be Amazing (On Help Desk At Least)

    Some ways to be great on Help Desk

  • Toy Problem Solution Lecturer Training

    How to make an impact on the space and people you're dedicating your energies to.

  • Conjuring Up Neural Nets in JS

    An intro to neural networks for engineers

  • Machine Learning- not so scary :)

    A quick overview of machine learning